(只提供英文版本)Summer Taster Programme 2022Remarks: Participation in the programme is free of charge.
Lessons in Language Centre: We were divided into small groups to interact with a local student, Thomas. We practiced English in language center and we shared the school life of Hong Kong and Australia (15 August 2019)Health Care Centre Visit: Viv, the CEO of Maroba guided us to visit the nursing home. The conversation with Viv was the most memorable moment in our trip. She taught us to put oneself in somebody’s shoes. We need to pay more attention to psychological needs of older adults. (13 August 2019)Health Care Centre Visit: The older adults in Maroba lived happily with daily entertainment. They showed their beautiful drawings with big smiles (13 August 2019)
Presentation about the Clinical Placement: We were invited to attend a presentation about clinical placement of UON. We found that the marking criteria of clinical learning with Australian students were similar to us (8 August 2019)10-day study tour to Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA (8 -17 June 2019)Meeting with the top management of the College of Medicine, the Dean & Professor Ping-Keung Yip and the Associate Dean & Associate Professor Yu-Wen Lin - 2018/19 Taipei Study Trip (26 May 2019 – 4 June 2019)
Sharing of learning experience with students of Fu-Jen Catholic University
Visit to the Fu Jen University Hospital
Students conducted game activities in residential home and the community centre
Students conducted outdoor game activities to promote mental health
Ace your job Interview & Graduate sharing workshop (13 February 2019)Briefing Session on RN Registration in Nursing Council of Hong Kong
Seoul Study Tour organized by TWCSU Nursing Society (17 - 23 May 2019)Seoul Study Tour organized by TWCSU Nursing Society (17 - 23 May 2019)5-day study tour to the University of Newcastle, Australia (UoN) (10 -14 September, 2018)
“Summit on the Immuno-surveillance against Childhood Infections in the Chinese Speaking Communities” jointly organized by Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation and Hong Kong Paediatric Society on 5 August 2017
“Summit on the Immuno-surveillance against Childhood Infections in the Chinese Speaking Communities” jointly organized by Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation and Hong Kong Paediatric Society on 5 August 2017
Update series on Child Health 2016 organized by Hong Kong College of Paediatricians – Volunteer Recognition Award
BHScN students won Best Poster Presentation at the 20th World Nursing Education Conference – Osaka, Japan 2017
BHScN students won Best Poster Presentation at the 20th World Nursing Education Conference – Osaka, Japan 2017
BHSc (Hons) (Major in Nursing) Graduate (2016)
Today, my dream comes true! Thanks for the opportunity offered by TWC to nurture my potential in becoming a nurse. I would like to express my deepest and sincere gratitude to all teachers and fellow students for their guidance, assistance, and concern. I am confident in becoming a successful nurse to serve patients with my professional knowledge and skills.BHSc (Hons) (Major in Nursing) Graduate (2016)
I am honored to graduate from Tung Wah College (TWC). All along the way, Thank our teachers and fellow students to accompany me to walk through tough but fruitful study journey!BHSc (Hons) (Major in Nursing) Graduate (2016)
During the past three years, we have learned not only the knowledge and skills in nursing but also the attitude of being a responsible and professional nurse.BHSc (Hons) (Major in Nursing) Graduate (2016)
I am thankful to all those who helped me to complete my studies in Tung Wah College (TWC) during the past three years. Today, I am happy to share this glory moment with my friends and family. In the future, I hope I can contribute myself in nursing.Student development programme – the 20-day TCUS x NSYSU International Summer School Programme of National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
Ms. Hiu-tung MokBHSc (Hons) (major in Nursing) Graduate (2015)President’s Award Recipient (2015)
Currently works as registered nurse in Kowloon HospitalI would like to express my gratitude for the patient guidance and education that TWC’s teachers have showered upon me.BHSc (Hons) (major in Nursing) Student
Associate of Health Studies Graduate (2014)