Frequently Asked Questions for Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational TherapyQ1:What is the accreditation status of this programme?A1:The Programme is approved by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT). Graduates will have a qualification that is recognized internationally.The Programme was successfully accredited by the Occupational Therapists Board (OTB) in June 2017 and the accreditation was approved by the Supplementary Medical Professions Council (SMPC).Q2:What are the differences between Occupational Therapy (OT) and Physiotherapy (PT)?A2:Both occupational therapists and physiotherapists are part of a team of health professionals. While occupational therapists often work alongside physiotherapists and there are certainly many similarities between the two, they differ in the specifics in how they help clients/patients address a disability.Physiotherapists use physical exercise and modalities to treat physical movement dysfunction, while occupational therapists use and adapt occupations to treat or prevent occupational dysfunction due to physical, mental or environmental factors. Occupational therapists also have the knowledge and training to work with people with a mental illness or emotional problems such as depression and/or stress.Another way to describe the difference between physiotherapy and occupational therapy is that a physiotherapist treats the patient’s actual impairment, while an occupational therapist treats that impairment in action. A physiotherapist tries to improve the impairment itself by increasing mobility, aligning bones and joints or lessening pain. An occupational therapist helps the patient complete necessary everyday tasks with the impairment. Doing so may involve applying adaptive tools and techniques.Q3:Is there any practicum for this programme? If yes, how and when will the practicum be arranged?A3:Students are required to satisfactorily complete at least 1000 hours of practicum prior to graduation. Practicum is divided into 4 different blocks spreading over 4 years of study, including summer breaks. Students will be placed in hospital and community settings. The duration of the practicums ranges from 2 weeks to 10 weeks.Q4:What is the career prospect for this programme?A4:Occupational Therapists are currently in great demand in hospitals and community or non-profit organization settings that include aged care centres, schools, nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities etc.Master Pay Scale (MPS)RankFirst PointMid PointLast PointOccupational Therapist II141924Q5:What kind of characteristics that you expect the students to have?A5:Besides good academic results, we expect the students to have a caring attitude, willingness to communicate and interact with others, a curious and creative mind for learning and an ability to manage time well.Q6:What are the special features of the Occupational Therapy Programme at TWC?A6:Besides meeting minimum standards of competence to practice as an occupational therapist upon graduation, we also put emphasis on equipping graduates with knowledge and skills to practise in various types of community setting and schools.In addition to lectures, we teach occupational therapy core courses through small groups, as well as using both specialized laboratories and real clinical settings for teaching. Close interaction between teaching staff and students also facilitates and monitors students’ progress in this demanding programme.
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