Frequently Asked QuestionsQ1:May I know the career opportunities/prospects after I have completed the programme of the BHSc in Nursing?A1:Graduates of the BHSc in Nursing will be equipped with all necessary knowledge and skills. After successfully completing the programme, graduates are qualified:-
for registration as Registered Nurses with The Nursing Council of Hong Kong
to practise nursing in primary, secondary and tertiary care settings
to practise nursing in hospitals (public and private) and other healthcare-related settings, and
to advocate nursing and health for all people in the community.
Q2:What are the differences between the majors of Nursing and Applied Gerontology in BHSc programme?A2:BHSc in NursingBHSc in Applied GerontologyAimTo prepare graduates for professional careers in nursing with competence to deliver high quality patient care.To provide a full scope of theoretical knowledge in health and social care of old people, elderly care management and human service administration.Professional recognitionYes. Graduates are eligible to apply for the license as a Registered Nurse with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong (NCHK).No.Mode of study5 years4 yearsTotal credits151120Total clinical practicum hours1480720Career ProspectsGraduates can start their career in health and social care arenas in hospitals (public and private) and community settings.Graduates can work as care-givers in elderly residential care settings, project officers in health and social care organizations, executive assistants in government office, research assistants in academic institutions, and consultants in business sectors providing customer services and products for Silver Market.Further StudiesGraduates who wish to have career advancement may pursue postgraduate studies in various areas such as master or doctoral degree in education, nursing, public health, social science and health service management.Graduates with good academic results may pursue postgraduate studies in various areas such as master degree in gerontology, public health, nursing, education, and health services management.Q3:When will the Nursing Practicum take place?A3:Students are required to fulfil the minimum practicum requirement stipulated by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong. Therefore, students will have a clinical practicum in the following clinical areas: medical nursing, surgical nursing, paediatric and adolescent nursing, obstetric nursing, gerontological nursing, mental health nursing, community nursing, primary health care, and the accident and emergency department. The Nursing Practicum will be scheduled according to the programme structure.Q4:What are the differences between TWC Nursing degree programme and other similar degree programmes?InstitutionTWC Nursing DegreeOther self-financed Nursing DegreesUGC-funded Nursing DegreesTuition fee* (JUPAS) (2016/17)$39,475$31,640-41,800$42,100Duration of study5 yearsMode of studyFull-timeCareer ProspectEligible for registration asRegistered Nurses with the Nursing Council of Hong KongFurther StudiesOpportunities are available for the graduates to apply for postgraduate studies in Hong Kong and abroad*Source: JUPAS, 2015Remarks: The above information is for reference only and subject to changes without notification.Q5:What types of immunization are required before the clinical practicum?A5:Chest X ray, Measles Mumps and Rubella (MMR), Chickenpox and Hepatitis B are required. For more details, please refer to the Immunization & Health Check Checklist available in the download area of the School’s website.
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