Year 1 entryFor Year 1 entry, applicants should meet one of the following requirements:-
HKDSE candidates from 2024/25 onwards, have obtained Level 3 for Chinese Language and English Language and Level 2 for Mathematics and have “Attained (A)” for Citizenship and Social Development plus one Elective/Applied Learning Subject at Level 2 (“332A+2”) in HKDSE; OR
HKDSE candidates before 2024/2025, have obtained Level 3 for Chinese Language and English Language and Level 2 for Mathematics and Liberal Studies plus one Elective/Applied Learning Subject at Level 2 (“3322+2”) in HKDSE; OR
Have passes in AS Use of English and AS Chinese Language and Culture plus one AL subject/two AS subjects in HKALE and Level 2 for Chinese Language and English Language plus passes in three other subjects in HKCEE; OR
Have obtained the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma with a minimum score of 24 and fulfilled the English language requirements:
English A: Language and Literature (Higher or Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
English A: Literature (Higher or Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
English B (Higher Level) – Grade 4; or
English B (Standard Level) – Grade 5; or
English Literature and Performance (Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
English Text and Performance (Standard Level) – Grade 4; OR
Have met the 2nd cut-off line of the respective province for admission to mainland key universities in the National College Entrance Examination (Gaokao) / National Joint College Entrance Examination (JEE) and the scores of English Language is over 100 (全國普通高等學校招生入學考試(內地高考)/港澳台僑聯招試達到所屬省市報讀第二批重點高校分數線*以上及英語科達100分或以上); OR
Have obtained equivalent qualifications (such as meeting the admission requirements of a degree programme offered outside Hong Kong)
^ Students with HKDSE English Language results at Level 3 or below are required to complete non-credit bearing English enhancement course(s) in the first year of study.
* 或「本科批次」分數線 (適用於「本科一批」及「本科二批」合併為「本科批次」的省 / 市)
Senior Year EntryFor senior year entry, applicants should meet one of the following requirements:-
Have completed an Associate Degree or Higher Diploma programme of the relevant subject/discipline; OR
Have obtained equivalent qualifications.
Programme-specific RequirementsPreference will be given to applicants who have obtained Level 2 or above in Integrated Science* or Combined Science*, Biology and/or Chemistry in HKDSE.* For applicants with 2012-2023 HKDSE subject results