Frequently Asked QuestionsQ1What will students learn during their study?A1Students learn principles in the field of forensic biomedical science to perform scientific work conducted within a crime laboratory. They will acquire advanced skills in the disciplines of fingerprint development/examinations, crime scene analysis, human identification, biological evidence, forensic photography, impression evidence, gunshot residues analysis and more.Q2What are the special features of the Forensic Biomedical Science programme at TWC?A2Tung Wah College is the first institution in Hong Kong to offer an undergraduate programme in forensic biomedical science. We put emphasis on equipping graduates who have a keen investigative and inquiry mind in science with the required knowledge and skills of the profession upon graduation.In this programme, in addition to lectures, there are many laboratory sessions using sophisticated facilities and equipment that are used in a real crime laboratory. Students will learn how to maintain a chain of custody, analyse simulated casework evidence and write a crime laboratory report. To give students a realistic experience of being a forensic scientist, students will use the knowledge gaining in the classroom and the laboratory to examine and analyse mock crime scenes, and play the role of a forensic expert in a mock trial.Q3If I have no science background, can I apply?A3Science background is preferred and those without such background can still apply for the programme.Q4Do all students need to have clinical practicum?A4No, students of this programme do not have clinical practicum.Q5Can graduates work in the Government Laboratory?A5Yes, graduates can work in the Government Laboratory and any other laboratories that are doing investigative laboratory work.