Professional Development (AY2018/2019) Semester 3(只提供英文版本)In-house Learning and Teaching SeminarsIn-house Teaching and Learning Seminars are open to all academic staff (full-time and part-time) and/or academic support staff. There are no stipulation on the number of hours academic staff were required to complete. QAO maintains an attendance record of the seminars and could provide individual staff with the relevant record on a need basis.The In-house Teaching and Learning Seminars held in Semester 3 of the academic year 2018/2019 are tabulated below:SessionTopicSpeakerDate1Good Teaching Practices Sharing Forum by Teaching Excellence Awardees AY2017/2018Dr. Sam CHAN, Assistant Professor;Dr. Stanley LAM, Assistant Professor;Dr. Julia WONG, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing &Dr. Tilo LI, Assistant Professor, School of Management9 May 2019(Thur)2How to Teach Effectively in the English-medium ClassroomProf. Diane PECORARIProfessor of English, Head, Department of English, City University of Hong Kong29 May 2019(Wed)3Flipped Classroom Approach to Learning - Sharing of a Pilot Online CourseProf. Matthew YAU, Dean & Professor;Dr. Vicky TSANG, Associate Professor; andMs. Ivy TAM, Senior Clinical Associate, School of Medical and Health Sciences19 Jun 2019(Wed)4Revised Generic Level Descriptors (GLD) of Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF) for Accreditation Exercises from the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ)Dr. Jordan CHEUNGHead of Quality Assurance Office17 Jul 2019(Wed)5Strategies to Win Hearts and Minds of Your StudentsDr. Paula HODGSONProfessional Consultant, Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong23 Jul 2019(Tue)6Adopting Information Technology to Foster Active LearningProf. Eugenia NG, Director; andMr. James CHONG, Education Manager, Teaching and Learning Centre, Lingnan University24 Jul 2019(Wed)For academic staff's registration, please click here.Note: New academic staff who joined the above Teaching and Learning Seminars were deemed to have fulfilled the required hours of the Academic Staff Induction Programme (ASIP), where appropriate.Interested staff are advised to follow the instructions given in the internal email invitation for registration or contact QAO for the details.
Professional Development (AY2018/2019) Semester 1 & 2(只提供英文版本)In-house Learning and Teaching SeminarsIn-house Teaching and Learning Seminars are open to all academic staff (full-time and part-time) and/or academic support staff. There are no stipulation on the number of hours academic staff were required to complete. QAO maintains an attendance record of the seminars and could provide individual staff with the relevant record on a need basis.The In-house Teaching and Learning Seminars held in Semester 1 & 2 of the academic year 2018/2019 are tabulated below:SessionTopicSpeakerDate1Application of Research in TeachingProf. Lawrence LAMVice President (Academic)14 Nov 2018(Wed)2Ways to Maximising Students from Recalling Facts to Problem SolvingDr. Paula HODGSONProfessional Consultant, Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong10 Dec 2018(Mon)3Outcome-based AssessmentProf. Danny GOHELProfessor, School of Medical and Health Sciences8 Jan 2019(Tue)4e-Learning Tools and ApplicationsDr. Eva TSANGDirector of Educational Technology and Publishing, Education Technology & Publishing Unit, The Open University of Hong Kong13 Feb 2019(Wed)Note: New academic staff who joined the above Teaching and Learning Seminars were deemed to have fulfilled the required hours of the Academic Staff Induction Programme (ASIP), where appropriate.Interested staff are advised to follow the instructions given in the internal email invitation for registration or contact QAO for the details.
专业培训 (AY2017/2018)(只提供英文版本)In-house Learning and Teaching SeminarsIn-house Teaching and Learning Seminars are open to all academic staff (full-time and part-time) and/or academic support staff. There are no stipulation on the number of hours academic staff were required to complete. QAO maintains an attendance record of the seminars and could provide individual staff with the relevant record on a need basis.The In-house Teaching and Learning Seminars held in the academic year 2017/2018 are tabulated below:SessionTopicSpeakerDate1Promoting Self-directed Learning through Blended LearningProf. Yvonne FUNGFormer Dean, School of Education and Languages, The Open University of Hong Kong11 April 2018(Wed)2Multiple Choice Questions: Usage, Design, and StatisticsProf. Lawrence LAMVice President (Academic)2 May 2018(Wed)3Transdisciplinary Approach to Teaching & Learning, and ResearchProf. Lawrence LAMVice President (Academic)30 May 2018(Wed)4Sharing of Good Teaching Practices and ExperienceDr. Florence WONGAssistant Professor, School of Nursing13 June 2018(Wed)5Criterion-Referenced Assessment (CRA) in Outcome-based EducationDr. Eva WONGDirector, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University20 June 2018(Wed)6Revised Accreditation Standards Under the Four-stage Quality Assurance Process of the Hong Kong Qualifications FrameworkDr. Jordan CHEUNGHead, Quality Assurance Office24 July 2018(Tue)Note: New academic staff who joined the above Teaching and Learning Seminars were deemed to have fulfilled the required hours of the Academic Staff Induction Programme (ASIP), where appropriate.Academic Staff Induction Programme (ASIP)In TWC, all new full-time academic staff who have no prior experience in teaching full-time degree programmes are required to complete the ASIP during their first year of employment. A minimum of 12 hours is required. Other full-time and part-time academic staff who are interested to attend are also welcome.The ASIP activities held in the academic year 2017/2018 are tabulated below:SessionTopicSpeakerDate1Blackboard Course Management and Assessment RubricsMr. Pony MA, Senior Information Technology Manager, Information Technology Services Office11 Oct 2017(Wed)2Writing Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)Dr. Hoe LEE
Associate Professor, School of Occupational Therapy and Social Work, Faculty of Health Science, Curtin University, Australia13 Oct 2017(Fri)3Strategies on Promoting Active LearningDr. Thomas TANG, Associate Dean, School of Education and Languages, The Open University of Hong Kong19 Oct 2017(Wed)4Learning Supports for TWC StudentsDr. Veronica TAM, Head, Student Affairs Office
Ms. Olivia Po, Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing26 Oct 2017(Thu)5Quality Assurance and AccreditationDr. Jordan CHEUNG, Head, Quality Assurance Office1 Nov 2017(Wed)Interested staff are advised to follow the instructions given in the internal email invitation for registration or contact QAO for the details.
专业培训 (AY2016/2017)校内教学研究会/工作坊校内教学研讨会/工作坊开放予所有教职员(全职和兼职)及/或学术支援职员参加。学院没有规定教职员须完成的时数。个别职员应各自保存纪录,以作表现评核和个人发展之用。质保处会保存研讨会/工作坊的出席纪录,供个别职员需要时查阅。以下表格列出2016/2017学年第2个和第3个学期的校内教学研讨会/工作坊﹕节数题目讲者日期1Introduction to Accreditation for Administrative Staff质素保证处高级质素保证经理 陈冠之女士2017年5月16日(星期二)2Writing Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)质素保证处处长 张超民博士2017年5月31日(星期三)3Sharing of Good Practices on Programme Planning, Development, Monitoring and Review质素保证处高级质素保证经理 陈冠之女士人文学院助理教授 梁伟聪博士护理学院助理教授 邓翠欣博士2017年6月21日(星期三)4Outcome-based Assessment (OBA)医疗及健康科学学院 高文字教授2017年7月5日(星期三)5Sharing of Good Teaching Practices护理学院副教授 熊淑茹博士 (2015/2016杰出教学奖得奖者)2017年7月10日(星期一)有兴趣参加第1节”Introduction to Accreditation for Administrative Staff”的文职职员,请按这里报名。有兴趣参加其他节数的教职员,请按这里报名。教职员迎新计划(ASIP)在东华学院,所有未曾任教全职学位课程的新入职教职员必须在他们第一年受雇期间最少完成12小时教职员迎新计划 (ASIP)活动。计划亦欢迎其他有兴趣的全职和兼职教职员参加。以下表格列出2016/2017学年第2个学期的ASIP活动﹕节数题目讲者日期1Using the On-line Learning Management System to Support Learning and Teaching信息科技服务处处长 马敏聪先生2017年3月14日(星期二)2Academic Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation质素保证处高级质素保证经理 陈冠之女士2017年3月15日(星期三)3Resources Information Session :a) Library Research Supportb) College Research Support and Grants图书馆馆长 黄丽琼女士研究事务处处长 卓丽仪博士2017年3月22日(星期三)4Knowing TWC Students学生事务长 谭倩冰博士2017年3月24日(星期五)5Outcome-based Learning and Teaching (OBLT)质素保证处处长 张超民博士2017年3月31日(星期五)有兴趣参加的教职员可依照内部电邮通讯上的指示报名,或联络质保处查询详情。