Year 1 EntryFor Year 1 entry, applicants should meet one of the following requirements:-
HKDSE candidates from 2024/25 onwards, have obtained Level 3 for Chinese Language and English Language and Level 2 for Mathematics and have “Attained (A)” for Citizenship and Social Development plus one Elective/Applied Learning Subject at Level 2 (“332A+2”) in HKDSE; OR
HKDSE candidates before 2024/2025, have obtained Level 3 for Chinese Language and English Language and Level 2 for Mathematics and Liberal Studies plus one Elective/Applied Learning Subject at Level 2 (“3322+2”) in HKDSE; OR
Have passes in AS Use of English and AS Chinese Language and Culture plus one AL subject/two AS subjects in HKALE and Level 2 for Chinese Language and English Language plus passes in three other subjects in HKCEE; OR
Have obtained the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma with a minimum score of 24 and fulfilled the English language requirements:
- English A: Language and Literature (Higher or Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
- English A: Literature (Higher or Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
- English B (Higher Level) – Grade 4; or
- English B (Standard Level) – Grade 5; or
- English Literature and Performance (Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
- English Text and Performance (Standard Level) – Grade 4; OR
Have obtained equivalent qualifications (such as meeting the admission requirements of a degree programme offered outside Hong Kong)
Programme-specific Requirements-
Applicants are expected to have studied Chemistry/Combined Science (including Chemistry)* as one of their elective subjects. Preference will be given to applicants who have obtained Level 4 or above in HKDSE.
Preference will be given to applicants who have obtained Level 4 or above in English Language in HKDSE. Candidates may be invited for interview.
It is expected that prospective students should possess other foundation scientific knowledge eg Biology in order to benefit from learning.
Applicants should have normal colour vision, as this is normally required for employment in local medical laboratories.
Applicants should be prepared to handle human samples, tissues and body fluids.
* For applicants with 2012-2023 HKDSE subject results