(只提供英文版本)Language coursesAdvanced English Writing Skills English for Healthcare Professionals Applied Chinese Language (or Baisc Chinese*) Enhancing Academic English Skills Developing English Language Skills * Alternate Chinese course for “non-Chinese speaking” students onlyDiscipline coursesAgeing and Diseases Human Anatomy Basic Laboratory Techniques and Instrumentation Human Genetics Biochemistry Human Physiology Clinical Immunology Infectious Disease and Control Clinical Laboratory Cellular Pathology Introduction to Chinese Medicine Clinical Laboratory Chemistry and Immunochemistry Introduction to Health Informatics Clinical Laboratory Haematology and Transfusion Science Introduction to Physics Clinical Laboratory Medical Microbiology Molecular Diagnosis of Human Diseases Clinical Practicum I (Clinical Chemistry) Molecules, Cells and Genes Clinical Practicum II (Haematology and Transfusion Science) Pathophysiology Clinical Practicum III (Anatomical and Cellular Pathology) Pharmacology Clinical Practicum IV (Medical Microbiology) Principles of Molecular Diagnostics Ethical & Legal Aspects in Health Care Psychosocial Dimensions of Health and Illness General Microbiology and Immunology Research Methods in Biomedical Science General Pathology Virology Honours Year Project in Medical Laboratory Science General Education (GE) coursesInformation Technology and Multimedia Application The Development and Operation of Non-profit Organizations Introduction to Statistics Understanding and Motivating Self Remarks: The programme structure listed above is for reference only. For details, please consult the School concerned or refer to the Programme Definitive Document.