Tung Wah College - NEWS & EVENTS - TWC Student Won the Outstanding Service Awards for Tertiary Students 2022-23 Skip to Content
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TWC Student Won the Outstanding Service Awards for Tertiary Students 2022-23

Congratulations to Parco Leung, a Year 3 student in the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy at Tung Wah College, for being awarded the Outstanding Service Awards for Tertiary Students 2022-23. The award ceremony was held on 26 January, with the Chief Executive of HKSAR, Mr. John Lee Ka Chiu delivering a virtual speech to congratulate the awardees. The awards were presented by the Hon Mrs. Regina Ip, Legislative Council Member. The Outstanding Service Awards for Tertiary Students is jointly organised by the Hong Kong Outstanding Tertiary Students' Services Association and the Hong Kong Student Services Association, aiming to recognise outstanding tertiary students with significant contribution to the community. This year, a total of 20 students received the award.

As the first student from TWC to receive this prestigious award, Parco has been actively involved in various campus activities since his first year. He served as the President of the 4th Physiotherapy Society and organised orientation camps, Lunar New Year Fairs, and other activities to showcase his leadership abilities. He also held positions such as Vice-Chairman of the Students’ Association, Global Student Ambassador, Student Representative of the College Council, and research assistant, demonstrating his dedication to serving the College. He has previously been awarded the Outstanding Student Awards by the College in recognition of his contributions.

In the community, Parco has applied his knowledge of physiotherapy by providing voluntary physiotherapy services at District Health Centers and marathon events, putting his learning into practice. He also played a role in the promotion team for the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Concern, dedicated to promoting physiotherapy. One of his notable achievements was coordinating the production of a series of programmes called "Pains", which educates the public about common illnesses and debunk health-related myths, promoting accurate knowledge of physiotherapy.

Parco expressed that this award is a recognition of his three years of social service work. He recalled that after completing the HKDSE examination, he initially pursued physiotherapy studies in Australia but was unfortunately forced to suspend his studies for two years in Hong Kong due to the pandemic. By a stroke of luck, he had the opportunity to enrol to the Physiotherapy programme at Tung Wah College and start anew. He expressed deep gratitude to the College and the faculty of the Physiotherapy programme for giving him the chance to return to campus. He said, "As long as I am capable, I will do my best to serve the College, hoping to repay the teachers for their trust and support."

Parco, soon to become a physiotherapist after graduation, aims to enhance his skills and professionalism in the field while serving the community. He is currently managing a platform on social media to promote information about physiotherapy, advocate healthy lifestyles to young people, and raise awareness of the profession, making valuable contributions to the field. 


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