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News & Events

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13/05/2024 【明報】「仁毅獎學金」首辦交流團 38醫科生護理生京滬體驗兩星期
13/05/2024 【東方日報】38本地醫護生獲資助 暑假北上實習交流
13/05/2024 【on.cc東網】38醫護生分批赴上海及北京實習 每人獲8000元獎學金
13/05/2024 【The Standard】China linkup for med students
12/05/2024 【星島網】「仁毅醫學教育獎學金計劃」資助38醫護學生暑期到內地交流 首批6.3啟程
12/05/2024 【香港01】醫學界獎學金全額資助38名醫護生到內地學習交流 林哲玄盼恆常化
12/05/2024 【am730】38名醫護學生獲資助赴內地交流 每人獲發8000元獎學金
10/05/2024 【星島頭條】夏寶龍會晤蔡若蓮及高校領導研習團 期望增強培養人才致力科研發展
10/05/2024 【TOPick】【高等教育】夏寶龍會見港高校代表團 促加大人才培養和引進力度
08/05/2024 【明報】蔡若蓮率大專院校團上京交流
06/05/2024 【文匯報】自資學位首年學費普遍加2%
03/05/2024 【am730】柏金遜症生活小貼士
27/04/2024 【大公文匯網】(有片)全港大專界國安條例宣講會舉行 逾300人出席
27/04/2024 【點新聞】(有片)全港大專界國安條例宣講會舉行 逾300人出席
25/04/2024 【香港電台第一台 - 自由風自由PHONE】北都自資院校地最快今年供申請
24/04/2024 Seminar on “The National People's Congress 2024: Insight Sharing on the Impact and Opportunities for the Higher Education Sector”
24/04/2024 【星島日報】北都大學教育城|北都自資院校地最快今年供申請 施俊輝:教育樞紐助吸境外生
23/04/2024 Opening of Translational Research Centre for Digital Mental Health - TWC’s First Research Centre
20/04/2024 Establishment of the “Tung Wah College Alumni Association”
19/04/2024 【SCMP】Hong Kong’s Chinese University launches AI chatbot to provide mental health support amid rising demand for counselling services

Tung Wah College Logo
King’s Park Campus
Ma Kam Chan Memorial Building,
31 Wylie Road, Homantin, Hong Kong
Mongkok Campus
Cheung Kung Hai Memorial Building, 90A,
and Cheung Chin Lan Hong Building, 98,
Shantung Street, Mongkok, Hong Kong
Kwai Hing Campus
16/F, Tower 2,
Kowloon Commerce Centre,
51 Kwai Cheong Road,
Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
(852) 3190 6678