About TWC


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Mainland Admission
Research & ImpactNews & EventsImportant Notes for Attendees of College SeminarsBefore the seminar
1. Please pre-register via the ePortfolio System at https://eportfolio.twc.edu.hk/ for seat reservation before attending a College Seminar.
2. Due to limited seating capacity, students who have pre-registered via the ePortfolio System will be given priority for admittance. Those without seat reservation will be considered as walk-in attendees and would be entertained only when there are seats remaining after the seminar starts.3. The seat will ONLY be secured for the registered students who arrive at the venue 15 minutes before the seminar starts. SAO reserves the right to release the seats to walk-in students 10 minutes prior to the seminar subject to the room availability.4. Bring along your student ID card when you attend a College Seminar. Scan the barcode on your student ID card with the barcode reader provided at the seminar venue during check-in. Repeat in case the screen does not display your student ID number correctly. Do not rely on the beep of the barcode scanner. Failing to do so will be regarded as non-attendance.
5. Students must not help others or ask others for help to scan their student ID cards. Violators, including the student who offers his/her help and those he/she is trying to help, will be removed from the attendance record.
6. In case of adverse weather, please refer to https://www.twc.edu.hk/en/twc/adverse-weather-arrangement for arrangements.During the seminar
7. Early leavers, latecomers who arrive after the first 15 minutes of the seminar and attendees who are absent from the seminar venue for 15 minutes or longer or for more than two times will not be counted against attendance.
8. Student ID card must be presented to the staff at the entrance of the seminar venue for identification should an attendee wish to temporarily leave the venue for using a washroom, etc.
9. Latecomers and walk-in attendees will not be granted entry in case the seminar venue is at full capacity.
10. Each attendee should occupy one seat only. Blocking of seats for personal belongings or other attendees is prohibited.
11. Please switch off your mobile devices, pagers and any other alarm devices or switch them to silent mode before the start of a seminar.
12. Eating, drinking and use of mobile phones are not allowed in the seminar venue.
13. Show your respect to the speaker. Stay seated, actively listen, and refrain from talking or doing activities that are unrelated to the seminar.
14. Anyone who is found to be in violation of the above rules will be asked to leave the seminar venue immediately without prior warning.
After the seminar
15. Scan the barcode on your student ID card again with the barcode reader provided at the seminar venue during check-out. Repeat in case the screen does not display your student ID number correctly. Do not rely on the beep of the barcode scanner. Failing to do so will be regarded as non-attendance.
16. Line up, show self-discipline and keep quiet during the check-out process.