Tung Wah College - Research Office - Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) - 2021/2022 Round of QESS Applications Skip to Content
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2021/2022 Round of QESS Applications

Invitation of QESS Ideas and Proposals for the 2021/2022 Round of Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) Applications
under the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund of the HKSAR Government

(Internal Deadline of the Draft Idea Form: 31 August 2021)

The QESS is setup under the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund by the Education Bureau (EDB) to support worthwhile non-works projects or initiatives that help enhance the quality of teaching and learning for students and teachers and the sector as a whole. Details of the QESS can be found on their website: https://www.cspe.edu.hk/en/Overview-Measures-QEGS.html.

For advance preparation of QESS ideas, organising meetings to discuss and draft proposals, you are cordially invited to begin with planning by putting forward ideas for the 2021/2022 round of QESS applications. Based on past experience, the information about the 2021/2022 round of applications will be released by the EDB in around October to November each year. You are therefore suggested to make reference to the readily available application forms and guidelines (available at: Staff Portal)) for formulating your ideas and proposal for the time being. Submitted ideas would be compiled and submitted to President’s Advisory Group (PAG) for consideration via the School Dean/Unit Head and the Research Office (RO) and Quality Assurance Office (QAO). The submitted proposals would be vetted by an Internal Vetting Panel and the recommended proposals would be considered by the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) and then finally approved by the MB before submitting to the EDB normally by February-end 2022.

Colleagues may use the QESS Draft Ideas Form (attached) for putting together your ideas in the submission. Draft ideas accepted by the PAG would require School Deans/Unit Heads to complete the form Assessment and Endorsement Form for School Deans/Unit Heads for Submission to Internal Vetting Panel (available at: Staff Portal) before submission to the Internal Vetting.

It is advisable for you to begin coming up with ideas for your QESS proposals as early as possible after discussing them with your School Dean/Unit Head as well as arranging meetings with relevant colleagues, Schools and Units for participation and collaborations. By doing so sufficient time can be reserved for drafting your proposals where appropriate, finalising details and fulfilling the internal approval procedures before submission to the EDB Panel via the QAO (available at: Staff Portal )

TWC funded projects

TWC has all along actively participated in the QESS which is exemplified by the successful applications in the following five previous rounds of applications:

1. Theme-based Projects


Project Title


Name of Institution

Grant Approved (HK$)



Collection Sharing and Information Discovery System with Enriched Digital Content

Information System

The Open University of Hong Kong (Principal Applicant)

Caritas Institute of Higher Education

Chu Hai College of Higher Education

Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Tung Wah College




Joint-Institution Network for Student Success

Student Support and Guidance Services

Hang Seng Management College

(Principal Applicant)

Caritas Institute of Higher Education

Centennial College

Chu Hai College of Higher Education

Tung Wah College




2. Open-ended Projects


Project Title


Name of Institution

Grant Approved (HK$)



Developing effective and interactive clinical simulation learning and teaching kits

Learning Programmes and Materials

Tung Wah College




Location aware e-portfolio system

Information System

Tung Wah College




Centre for Academic and Professional Language Enhancement (CAPLE)

Learning Programmes Materials

Tung Wah College




The eTeaching Literacy Project (eTeachLit): Improving Students’ Learning Performance Through Empowering Teachers’ Digital Teaching Capacity

Research Study and Teacher Training

Tung Wah College



Submission of Application Forms

The internal approval procedures for drafting of QESS ideas, proposals, and submission deadlines can be found in the Timeline for QESS 20212022 round of application proposals.pdf (available at: Staff Portal).

According to an “Approval Route and Authority for External Funding Projects Related to Quality Assurance” approved by the MB on 4 Dec 2017 (available at: Staff Portal), a mechanism for approving, monitoring and evaluating a funded QESS project is determined for an applicant to follow (please note that this applies to all external funding projects regardless of nature or institutional project ownership). Applicants can take note of the above mechanism in the proposal. For application forms, progress reports and final reports of theme-based projects, if the TWC is a joint-applicant, responsible units of the TWC would be required to submit the TWC’s part for internal consideration and clearance before submission to the principal applicant for onward submission to the EDB.

Colleagues are reminded to refer to the Terms & Conditions of Appointment for Research and Project Staff as set out by the Human Resources Office for recruitment of project staff for QESS projects. The captioned terms and conditions can be found from the Human Resources Office directory in Staff Portal for reference (the captioned file is available at: Staff Portal).

The deadline for submission of ideas would be on 31 August 2021.

Should there be any queries, please feel free to contact Research Office ([email protected]) / Quality Assurance Office ([email protected]).

Look forward to receiving your insightful ideas soon.

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