Tung Wah College - Research Office - Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) - The eTeaching Literacy Project (eTeachLit): Improving Students’ Learning Performance Through Empowering Teachers’ Digital Teaching Capacity Skip to Content
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The eTeaching Literacy Project (eTeachLit): Improving Students’ Learning Performance Through Empowering Teachers’ Digital Teaching Capacity



eTeachLit Project Summary

It has been observed that teaching staff, particularly newly recruited and inexperienced teachers, lack skills and competence in utilising eLearning technologies in their course development and classroom delivery of course contents. This would have a detrimental effect on the students’ learning and their performance. In the academic year 2019/2020, Tung Wah College (TWC) has launched the eTeachLit* Project, funded by QESS, to empower teachers' digital teaching capacity. This Project aims to address this important issue by implementing an “eTeaching” literacy intervention programme for empowering the eLearning capacity of teachers at TWC. The eTeachLit Project also aims to develop an “eTeaching” framework with materials produced to provide strategies and examples on the implementation of the latest eLearning technologies in curriculum design and course delivery.

* The eTeaching Literacy Project (eTeachLit): Improving Students’ Learning Performance Through Empowering Teachers’ Digital Teaching Capacity
(Project No. 08/QESS/2018)



eTechLit Project Objectives
  • The development of a “eTeaching” intervention programme for empowering teachers’ eLearning technologies adaptation capacity and skills in teritary education.
  • Enhancement of teachers’ “eTeaching” literacy through the implementation of the intervention programme.
  • Improvement of the students’ learning experience and performance.
A small group of full-time teachers of about 15% (n=15) of the total academic staff at the College will be randomly selected to join the Project. To evaluate the efficacy of the Programme, a pre-and-post intervention approach will be applied with teachers’ “eTeaching” literacy assessed prior to the commencement and after the completion of the programme. An instrument will be specifically designed, based on the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standard for Educators, for measuring the primary outcome of the Project.
It is anticipated that by the end of the Project, a framework of “eTeaching” literacy with emphasis on the adaptation of the latest education technologies will be produced; successful hands-on practical experience will be gained by teachers through the process of training and actual class delivery; and a repository of cases in the adaptation of the “eTeaching” framework in many different disciplines and courses of different nature will be generated. These cases will provide examples on how the latest eLearning technologies can be applied in different education settings.


eTeachLit Project Activites

Date Time Venue# Activities
27 Aug 2019 1400-1530 MKA 1602 Training: student response system – Kahoot! (session 1)
30 Aug 2019 1500-1630 MKA 1602 Training: student response system – Kahoot! (session 2)
03 Sep 2019 1500-1600 MKA 1602 Training: student response system – Kahoot! (session 3)
18 Sep 2019 1500-1600 KPC 905 Workshop: course tools in Blackboard (session 1)
20 Sep 2019 1500-1600 MKA 1001 Workshop: course tools in Blackboard (session 2)
25 Sep 2019 1500-1600 KPC 905 Workshop: course tools in Blackboard (session 3)
02 Oct 2019 1630-1800 MKA 1601 Workshop: student response system – Mentimeter and Poll Everywhere; tool for creating infographics – Canva
18 Oct 2019 0930-1025 KPC 1801 Training: Tools for video assignment submission and peer evaluation
06 Nov 2019 1600-1730 MKA 1201 Training: Educational video production – Design and filming
08 Nov 2019 1600-1730 KPC 905 Training: Tools for peer evaluation; Tools for video assignment submission and peer evaluation
19 Nov 2019 1430-1530 KPC-LT1 Training: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra basic training; Creating lecture video from PowerPoint
21 Nov 2019 1500-1600 MKA 1201 Workshop: Creating lecture video from PowerPoint
22 Nov 2019 1530-1700 MKA 1201 Workshop: Creating online assessment in Blackboard
11 Dec 2019 1530-1700 MKA 1201 Workshop: 7 mobile apps to engage your students
08 Jan 2020 0930-1025 MKA 1201 Training: Workshop of Creating Infographics with Canva and PowerPoint
06 Mar 2020 1500-1700 Online Training: Publishing videos on Blackboard
09 Apr 2020 1500-1630 Online Training: Online Teaching 101 at TWC
27 May 2020 1600-1730 MKA 1201 Training: E-learning strategies and tools
15 Jul  2020 1600-1800 20/F, Hall, KPC Open Forum: eTeaching Experience Sharing Forum

# Remarks: 
KPC: (King's Park Campus) Ma Kam Chan Memorial Building, 31 Wylie Road, Homantin, Hong Kong
MKA: (Mongkok Campus Tower A) Tung Wah College Cheung Kung Hai Memorial Building, 98 Shantung Street, Mongkok, Hong Kong
MKB: (Mongkok Campus Tower B) Tung Wah College Cheung Chin Lan Hong Building, 98 Shantung Street, Mongkok, Hong Kong



eTeachLit Project Outcomes & Deliverables

(i)  eTeaching & eLearning & Resources

  • eTeachLit Project Framework (staff only)
    A framework of "eTeaching" with the adaptation of the education technologies.
  • Repository of eTeaching Cases
    Case studies of 15 project participating teachers illustrate the adaptation of the “eTeaching” framework across different disciplines.
  • eTeaching Training Videos 
    The training videos demostrate the latest eTeaching & eLearning tools that can be adopted in virtual classroom.
  • Funded AV equipment list (staff only)
    The funded AV equipments enable to improve the eTeaching & eLearning performance.

(ii)  eTeaching Experience Sharing Forum

The eTeachLit Project Team has conducted an intervention programme for teachers and supported them to apply different eLearning tools. In this Forum, the participating teachers shared their precious experiences and comments as case studies. The video archive of the Forum is now available on TWC Facebook fan page or can be reviewed on TWC Panopto platform.

The eTeaching Experience Sharing Forum with details highlighted as below:



Keynote & Video

Dr. Mabel Yau
Assistant Professor
School of Medical and Health Sciences

Teaching and Learning in the Digital Era, My Bench but Their Air

Click to view

Mr. Pedro Lok
chool of Arts and Humanities

Efficacy of Digital Whiteboards and Flipgrid in Classroom English Writing and Speaking Practices

Click to view

Dr. Holly Ng
Senior Lecturer
School of Management

Closing Up the Distance Between Learners and Teacher in the Use of Online Marketing Courses

Click to view

Ms. Ivy Tam
Senior Clinical Associate
School of Medical and Health Sciences

Enriching Flipped Classroom with Different Online Tools

Click to view

Dr. Chan Keung Sum
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing

Dr. Florence Wong
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing

Bridging Gaps in Teaching Nursing Skills Lab
(*conversation in pre-recorded video)

Click to view

Ms. Rufina Lau
Senior Lecturer
School of Medical and Health Sciences

Team Up! Building Collaborative Playlist for Physiotherapy Education

Click to view


This Forum is fully supported by Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) under the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund of the Education Bureau, HKSAR.
[ The eTeaching Literacy Project (eTeachLit): Improving Students’ Learning Performance Through Empowering Teachers’ Digital Teaching Capacity (Project No.: 08/QESS/2018) ]
Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Education Bureau, the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund Secretariat or any member in the relevant Sub-committee.



Tung Wah College Logo
King’s Park Campus
Ma Kam Chan Memorial Building,
31 Wylie Road, Homantin, Hong Kong
Mongkok Campus
Cheung Kung Hai Memorial Building, 90A,
and Cheung Chin Lan Hong Building, 98,
Shantung Street, Mongkok, Hong Kong
Kwai Hing Campus
16/F, Tower 2,
Kowloon Commerce Centre,
51 Kwai Cheong Road,
Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
Tsim Sha Tsui Campus
136A, Nathan Road,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
General Enquiries:
(852) 3190 6678

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Admission Enquiries:
(852) 3190 6672

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