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Message from the Dean
Prof. Albert Teo

The flagship academic programme of the School of Management is the Bachelor of Management (Honours) in Social and Business Sustainability programme. This unique Management degree programme provides students with transdisciplinary knowledge on how different organisations in the business and social sectors achieve both economic and social goals. Students learn how the following three types of organisations are able to simultaneously generate profits/surpluses and create social value:

  • businesses practising corporate social responsibility (CSR) or creating shared value (CSV);
  • social enterprises;
  • non-profit organisations.


In line with the transdisciplinary focus of the programme, students take both core business courses, as well as social sustainability-related courses. Given the programme’s emphasis on experiential learning, students acquire useful, practical skills such as:

  • mapping communities’ aspirations, needs and assets;
  • using design thinking to develop innovative solutions to social problems;
  • using futures thinking to anticipate future challenges and to help shape a better future;
  • measuring the social impact of organisational activities.
This programme aims to develop future-ready graduates who stand out as capable, π-shaped employees in the increasingly complex workplace. Our graduates not only have broad knowledge across multiple disciplines, but also possess two areas of expertise:
  • knowledge and skills to manage different types of organisations;
  • knowledge and skills to analyse social problems and develop effective, sustainable solutions to these problems.
Prof. Albert Teo
School of Management

Tung Wah College Logo
King’s Park Campus
Ma Kam Chan Memorial Building,
31 Wylie Road, Homantin, Hong Kong
Mongkok Campus
Cheung Kung Hai Memorial Building, 90A,
and Cheung Chin Lan Hong Building, 98,
Shantung Street, Mongkok, Hong Kong
Kwai Hing Campus
16/F, Tower 2,
Kowloon Commerce Centre,
51 Kwai Cheong Road,
Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
Tsim Sha Tsui Campus
136A, Nathan Road,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
General Enquiries:
(852) 3190 6678

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Admission Enquiries:
(852) 3190 6672

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