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Prof. Albert TEO

Dean and Professor (院長及教授)

Office: 6/F, School of Management, 136A, Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Telephone: (852) 3468 6633
Email : [email protected]





Professor Albert Teo joined Tung Wah College in January 2019. Prior to joining TWC, he was an associate professor in the School of Business, National University of Singapore (NUS). While in NUS, he also took on various leadership roles: founding director of the Chua Thian Poh Community Leadership Centre; founding director of the Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy; and deputy director of the University Scholars Programme.

Albert received his PhD degree from the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley. His current academic interests are in the areas of social entrepreneurship, community development, social impact measurement, organizational ecology, institutional theory, and social networks. He has published in journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, and Industrial and Corporate Change.

Albert is active in community engagement. He currently serves as a member of the regional council and board of trustees of the Institute for Social Entrepreneurship in Asia, a member of the board of directors of Solutions To End Poverty, a pro-bono research consultant to Singapore’s National Council of Social Service, a pro-bono trainer with Social Enterprise Business Centre, and a volunteer lecturer with Atikha Overseas Workers & Communities Initiative. He is an advisor to various social enterprises and non-profit organizations in Asia. Prior to his relocation from Singapore to Hong Kong, he served as the leader of a volunteer group offering massage services to patients in the HIV/AIDS and geriatric wards in Tan Tock Seng Hospital. He also sat on various Singapore government-appointed committees overseeing programme funding in the social services sector in Singapore.

Academic and Professional Qualifications
BA, BSocSci(Hons), MS, PhD

Author Identifications
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8393-7696
SCOPUS Author ID: 7003639037

Doctor of Philosophy, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley (United States)
Master of Science, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley (United States)
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours), Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Bachelor of Arts, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, National University of Singapore (Singapore)

Honours and Awards
The Long Service Medal, Ministry of Education, Singapore (2018)
Action for AIDS Red Ribbon Award, Singapore (2018)
YMCA-Lim Kim San Volunteer Long Service Award, Singapore (2018)
National Council of Social Service Long Service Award, Singapore (2017)
The Courage Fund Healthcare Humanity Award, Singapore (2016)
SCORE Spark of Hope Award, Singapore (2016)
Singapore Patient Advocate Award, Singapore (2015)
YMCA of Singapore Sustained Volunteerism Award, Singapore (2015)
National Council of Social Service Long Service Award, Singapore (2014)
Tan Tock Seng Hospital Golden Circle of Friends Award, Singapore (2013)
National University of Singapore Inspiring Mentor Award, Singapore 2009
National Healthcare Group Distinguished Contributor Award, Singapore (2008)
National University of Singapore Quality Service Award, Singapore (2006)
NUS Business School Outstanding Service Award, Singapore (2005)
National University of Singapore Excellent Teacher Award, Singapore (2004)
NUS Business School Outstanding Educator Award, Singapore (2004)
National University of Singapore Excellent Teacher Award, Singapore (2002)
NUS Business School Outstanding Educator Award, Singapore (2001)

Teaching Areas
Social Entrepreneurship
Community Development
Social Impact Measurement
Strategic Management
Nonprofit Management
Organization Theory
Organizational Behavior
Research Methods

Research Interests:
Social Entrepreneurship
Community Development
Social Impact Measurement
Organizational Ecology
Institutional Theory
Social Networks

Publications (Selected)
Wu, P. C., Teo, A. C. Y. , & Wong, M. H. (2016). Case: eHomemakers: Crossing borders into Singapore. Ivey Case Publishing.

Wu, P. C., Teo, A. C Y., & Wong, M. H. (2016). Teaching note: eHomemakers: Crossing borders into Singapore. Ivey Case Publishing.

Ling, F. Y. Y., Tan, P. C., Ning, Y., Teo, A. C. Y, & Gunawansa, A. (2015). Effect of adoption of relational contracting practices on relationship quality in public projects in Singapore. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 22, 169-189.

Ning, Y., Ling, F. Y. Y., & Teo, A. C. Y. (2014). Driving forces behind and barriers to relational transaction practices in public construction projects. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 140, 04013006-1-04013006-9.

Li, J., Ngin, P. M., & Teo, A. C. Y. (2008). Culture and leadership in Singapore: Combination of the East and the West. In J. S. Chhokar, F. C. Brodbeck & R. J. House (Eds.), Culture and leadership across the world: The GLOBE book of in-depth studies of 25 societies (pp. 947-968). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Dobrev, S. D., Ozdemir, S. Z., & Teo, A. C. Y. (2006). The ecological interdependence of emergent and established organizational populations: Legitimacy transfer, violation by comparison, and unstable identities. Organization Science 17, 577-597.

Lee, G. C. C., & Teo, A. C. Y. (2005). Organizational restructuring: Impact on trust and work satisfaction. Asia Pacific Journal of Management 22, 23-39.

Teo, A. C. Y. (2001). How constitutive legitimation, sociopolitical legitimation, and competition affected foundings of Singapore hotels, 1832 to 1997. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research 25, 302-319.

Teo, A. C. Y., & Chow, M. C. (2000). Legitimation and foundings: The case of Singapore hotels. In C. M. Lau, K. S. Law, D. K. Tse & C. S. Wong (Eds.), Asian management matters; Regional relevance and global impact (pp. 301-316). Imperial College Press.

Carroll, G. R., & Teo, A. C. Y. (1999). Creative self-destruction among organizations: An empirical study of technical innovation and organizational failure in the American automobile industry, 1885-1981. In G. R. Carroll & D. J. Teece (Eds.), Firms, markets, and hierarchies: The transaction cost economics perspective (pp. 499-524). Oxford University Press.

Den Hartog, D. N., et al. (1999). Culture specific and crossculturally generalizable implicit leadership theories: Are attributes of charismatic/transformational leadership universally endorsed? Leadership Quarterly 10, 219-256.

House, R. J., et al. (1999). Cultural influences on leadership and organizations: Project GLOBE. In W. H. Mobley, M. J. Gessner & V. Arnold (Eds.), Advances in global leadership (Vol. 1) (pp. 171-233). JAI Press.

Lim, V. K. G., Teo, T. S. H., Teo, A. C. Y., & Tan, K. T. L. (1999). HIV and youths in Singapore: Knowledge, attitudes and willingness to work with HIV-infected persons. Singapore Medical Journal 40, 410-415.

Carroll, G. R., & Teo, A. C. Y. (1996). On the social networks of managers. Academy of Management Journal 39, 421-440.

Carroll, G. R., & Teo, A. C. Y. (1996). Creative self-destruction among organizations: An empirical study of technical innovation and organizational failure in the American automobile industry, 1885-1981. Industrial and Corporate Change 5, 619-644.

Community / Professional Contributions (Selected)
Pro-bono Advisor on Social Impact Assessment, Soristic, Singapore (2021-present)
Volunteer Lecturer, Atikha Overseas Workers & Communities Initiative, The Philippines (2021-present)
Programme External Examiner for Graduate Diploma in Non-Profit Management, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore (2021-present)
Pro-bono Trainer for Impact Assessment Support Scheme, Social Enterprise Business Centre, Hong Kong (2020-present)
Pro-bono Consultant on Social Impact Measurement, National Council of Social Service, Singapore (2018-present)
Member, Regional Council and Board of Trustees, Institute for Social Entrepreneurship in Asia, The Philippines (2017-present)
Member, Centre for Health Activation Project Team, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore (2017-2018)
Member, CareConnect Volunteer Committee, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore (2016-2018)
Member, Case Study Collaborator Committee, Singapore Totalisator Board, Singapore (2016-2018)
Chair, Evaluation Panel, Tote Board - Enabling Lives Initiative Grant, SG Enable, Singapore (2015-2018)
District Councillor, Central Singapore Community Development Council, Singapore (2014-2018)
Chair, Contentment Committee, Bizlink Centre Singapore, Singapore (2014-2018)
Member, Board of Directors, Impact Investment Shujog, Singapore (2013-2015)
Member, National Youth Fund Advisory Committee, National Youth Council, Singapore (2013-2018)
Member, Charity (Social Service) Sub-Committee, Singapore Totalisator Board, Singapore (2013-2018)
Member, Board of Directors, Solutions To End Poverty (STEP), Singapore (2012-present)
Member, President’s Challenge Social Enterprise Awards Committee, Singapore (2012-2017)
Member, Board of Directors, ASKI Global, Singapore (2011-2018)
Member, Management Committee, Catholic AIDS Response Effort, Singapore (2008-2015)
Director, YMCA - NUS Business School Volunteer Service Management Programme, Singapore (2007-2018)
Volunteer Program Coordinator, Patient Care Centre, Communicable Disease Centre, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore (2005-2018)
Academic Liaison, University of California Education Abroad Program Study Center in National University of Singapore, Singapore (2005-2018)
Volunteer, Patient Care Centre, Communicable Disease Centre, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore (2001-2018)

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