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Research & ImpactNews & EventsDr. Tilo LIAssistant Professor (助理教授)
Office: 6/F, School of Management, 136A, Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Telephone: (852) 3468 6702
Email : [email protected]Biography
Dr. Li has over 20 years of tertiary teaching experience in Hong Kong, Macau, Canada and the United States, among which over 10 years at a senior management position. Seven years of solid experience dealing with American and mainland China universities in program delivery, student and faculty exchange programs.
He has seven years of industry experience at senior marketing and management level stationed in different countries including Singapore, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Japan, and mainland China. Major duties included setting up new office; recruiting and training new staff; and dealing with overseas clients.
Academic and Professional Qualifications
Author Identifications
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9760-5107
Doctor of Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education (Hong Kong)
Master of Arts in Economics, University of New Brunswick (Canada)
Bachelor of Business Administration, University of New Brunswick (Canada)
Honours and Awards
Best Paper Award, IISES 2014 International Academic Conference
Teaching Excellence Award, Tung Wah College (2013 – 2014)
Teaching Excellence Award, Tung Wah College (2017 – 2018)
Teaching Areas
Introductory level Business-related and General Education courses.
Research Interests
Assessments in Higher Education
Attributes of Business Graduates
Grade Inflation and Credential Inflation
Grade Inflation and Quality of Higher Education
Funded Projects (Selected)
Centre for Academic and Professional Language Enhancement in Tung Wah College was set up through a grant from the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (July 2015).
Publications (Selected)
Li, T., Yeung, M., Li, E., & Leung, B. (2021). How formative are assessments for learning activities towards summative assessment? International Journal of Teaching and Education, IX(2), pp. 42-57.
Ng, H., Li, T., & Yeung, M. (2020). A pilot study of the Hong Kong smartphone market: How service quality affects repurchase intention via customer satisfaction and attitudinal loyalty. International Journal of Business and Management, Volume 8, No. 2.
Li, T., Chan, A., & Li, E. (2018). A pilot study of over-education in Hong Kong. International Journal of Teaching and Education, Vol. VI(1), pp. 1-20.
Yeung, M., & Li, T. (2018). Student Preferences and Expectations: Some Practical Tips for Designers of English Enhancement Programmes. English Language Teaching, Vol. 11(2), pp. 172-187.
關焯照, 林浩川, 李伯珍 (2017). 香港教育藍圖研究報告, ACE Centre for Business and Economic Research.
Li, T., Tsang, M., Yeung, M., & Li, E. (2017). An estimate of major-job relevancy and the relative importance of professional skills in the workplace in Hong Kong. International Journal of Teaching and Education, Vol. V(1), pp. 36-53.
Li, T. (2015). Required graduate attributes in Hong Kong and their relative importance. Europan Scientific Journal, 11(34), 536-561.
Li, T. (2015). Effectiveness of student-self-documented classroom participation score in motivating students’ class discussion and enhancing learning. International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 8(6), 19-30.
Li, T. (2014). A case study of peer-rater differences in Hong Kong. International Journal of Teaching and Education, 2(3), 112-126.
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