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Dr. Ricky Ming Chun CHAU
Associate Professor (Radiation Therapy)
Office: 2/F, School of Medical and Health Science, Nelson Court, 45 Waterloo Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel : (852) 3725 6239
Associated Professor Dr. Ricky Chau, has been working as medical physicist, senior physicist/department manager and consultant physicist in the past 30 years in various hospitals under Hospital Authority, Hong Kong and Kiang Wu Hospital, Macau. He has extensive clinical experience in medical physics and radiation therapy. Not only clinical experience, he also has massive teaching experience in the past 16 years in teaching radiation therapy in various local universities such as Polytechnic University of HK (since 2002) and City University of Hong Kong. He also appointed as Honorary Senior Research Associate in University College London (UCL) from 15 Jun 2015 till14 Jun 2018. He is also a consultant for Oncology Center in Kiang Wu Hospital in Macau. 
Academic and Professional Qualifications:
Member of American Association of Medical Physics, USA  since Jan 1994
Medical Physics Professional Certification, Hong Kong , since July 2006
Author Identifications:
1. R.M.C. Chau
2. Chau M.C
3. Chau R
4. Ricky M.C.Chau
5. Ming Chun CHAU
6. ChauMing-chun Ricky
B.Sc. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University of Manchester, England, 1980
M.Sc. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada, 1984
Ph.D. in Medical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HKSAR, China, Aug 2007
Teaching Areas:
Radiation Physics & its applications
Cancer Treatment Planning
Residence training program
Radiation Protection
Research Interests:
Cancer Treatment Planning techniques
Quality Assurance hardware and software
K.Y. Cheung, W.K. Yeung, R.M.C. Chau. “A Radiation Dosimetry System Using Image Grabber Technique” Biomedical Engineering Symposium, April  1992, Hong Kong
R.M.C. Chau, W.Y. Lee, K.Y. Cheung, W.K. Yeung . “Commissioning of a 3-D treatment planning” Proceedings of third Varian Asian Users Meeting , Feb 1995
K.Y. Cheung, P.H.K. Choi, R.M.C. Chau, L.K.Y. Lee, P.M.L. Teo and Y.K. Ngar  “The roles of multileaf collimators and micro-multileaf collimators in conformal and conventional nasopharyngeal carcinoma radiotherapy treatments”  Medical Physics 26 (10), October 1999
R.M.C. Chau, P.H.K. Choi, K.Y. Cheung  “3-D dosimetric Evaluation of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Treatment “ Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Imaging, Medical Physics and Precision Radiation Therapy, China  October 1999
P.M.L.Teo, A.T.C. Chan, S.F. Leung, R.M.C. Chau, P.K.W. Yu, W.W.K. King & P.J. Johnson “Increased Incidence of Tongue Cancer after Primary Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma-the Possibility of Radiation Carcinogensis” European Journal of Cancer Vol 35, No.2, pp219-225, 1999
R.M.C. Chau, P.K.W. Yu & P.J. Johnson  “Final Report of a Radonmized Trial on Altered-fractionated Radiotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Prematurely Terminated by Significant Increase in Neurologic Complications” Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol Phys  Vol 48 No.5 pp 1311-1322, 2000
R.M.C. Chau, P.M.L. Teo, P H.K. Choi, K.Y. Cheung, W.Y. Lee  “Three-dimensional dosimetric evaluation of a conventional radiotherapy technique for treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma” Radiotherapy & Oncology 58 , pp143-153 2001
R.M.C. Chau  “Experience and Skill in IMRT treatment planning for treatment of NPC” Hong Kong College of Radiologists 9th Annual Scientific meeting Proceeding, Oct 2001
Lee K.Y., Chau M.C., and Cheung K.Y. “ Design of an in-expensive phantom for IMRT verification” Radiotherapy and Oncology, 61 ( Supplement 1):S110, 2001
Lee K.Y., Chau M.C., and Cheung K.Y. “ Virtual pre-treatment verification for IMRT in PWH” Radiotherapy and Oncology, 61 ( Supplement 1):S25, 2001
Kam M, Teo P, Chau R., Treatment of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy and Follow-up with Plasma Epstein-Barr Virus Deoxyribonucleic Acid level: The Hong Kong Experience. Fourth International UICC Symposium on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Hong Kong. Abstract 59; 2003. p. 100.
M.K.M. Kam, R.M.C. Chau, P.M.L. Teo, P.H.K. Choi  “Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Dosimetric advantage over conventional plans and feasibility of dose escalation”  Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol Phys  Vol 56 No.1 pp 145-157, 2003
M.K.M. Kam, P.M.L. Teo, R.M.C. Chau, et al  “Treatment of Nasopharyngeal carcinoma with internsity-modulated radiotherapy: the Hong Kong Experience.” Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol Phys  Vol 60 No.5 pp 1440-50, 2004
Ricky M.C.Chau, Peter M.L.Teo, Michael K.M. Kam, et al  “Dosimetric comparison between 2-dimensional radiation therapy and intensity-modulated radiation therapy in treatment of advanced T-stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma: to treat less or more in the planning organ at risk volume of the brainstem and spinal cord." Medical Dosimetry 32(4):263-70, 2007
Ricky M.C.Chau, S.F.Leung, Michael K.M. Kam, et al “Feasibility of using interpolated contours of targets and organs-at-risk in intensity-modulated radiation therapy treatment planning for advanced-stage NPC” Australasian Radiology, 51(5):480-4, 2007 Oct
Ricky M.C.Chau, S.F.Leung, Michael K.M. Kam, et al “A Split-organ Delineation Approach for Dose Optimisation for Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy for Advanced T-stage Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma” Clinical Oncology. Vol 20 (2), pp134-141, 2007
Michael K.M. Kam, Sing-fai Leung, Benny Zee, Ricky M.C. Chau,  Joyce J.S. Suen , Frankie Mo, Ming Po Maria Lai, Rosalie Ho, Kin-yin Cheung, Brian K.H. Yu, Samuel K.W. Chiu, Peter H.K. Choi, Peter M.L. Teo, Wing-hong Kwan, Anthony T.C. Chan, "Impact of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) on salivary gland function in early-stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients: A prospective randomized study" Journal of Clinical Oncology. 25(31):4873-9, 2007 Nov 1.
Ricky M.C.Chau, S.F.Leung, Michael K.M. Kam, et al “A broadly-adaptive array of dose constraint templates for planning of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for advanced T-stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)” Int.J.Radiat.Oncol.Biol.Phys. Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 21–28, 2009
Dr. Ricky, Ming Chun CHAU,  “Development of Adaptive Dose Constraints Templates for Dose Optimization in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Treatment Planning for Advanced-Stage Nasopharyngeal Cancer” PH.D. Thesis, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Aug 2007.
Peter WHITE,*, Kit Chi CHAN, Ka Wai CHENG, Ka Yiu CHAN and Ming Chun CHAU , “Volumetric intensity-modulated arc therapy vs conventional intensity-modulated radiation therapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a dosimetric study”, Journal of Radiation Research, 2012, pp 1–14
Lee Kar-ho Francis, Ph.D.,YipWai-yi Celia, Ph.D.,Cheung Chun-hung Frankie, M.S., Leung Kwok-cheung Alex,F.R.C.R.,ChauMing-chun Ricky, Ph.D.,and NganKai-cheong Roger,F.R.C.R. “Dosimetric difference amongst 3 techniques: TomoTherapy, sliding-window intensity-modulated radiotherapy(IMRT), and RapidArc radiotherapy in the treatment of late-stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC)” Medical Dosimetry (2013)
Community / Professional Contributions:
Ex-EXCOM of Hong Kong Medical Physicist Association (HKAMP), Jan 2011-Apr 2015
Member of Examination Committees of HKAMP, Mar2017-Dec2022

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