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Research & ImpactNews & EventsMs. Jenny Hiu Wai TSE (謝曉慧女士)Senior Lecturer (高級講師)Office: 16/F, School of Nursing, Ma Kam Chan Memorial Building, 31 Wylie Road, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong KongTelephone: (852) 3725 6220Email: [email protected]BiographyMs. Jenny Tse achieved her master’s degree at The University of Sydney. When she pursued her higher qualifications in Australia, she attained Australian nursing registration and worked in her profession as a department midwife in a local multinational corporation. Before studying abroad, she worked in the Hospital Authority’s medical unit as a registered nurse and obstetric unit as a registered midwife for years after obtaining specialty training and qualification. Ms. Tse has always been passionate about education. She joined Tung Wah College in the hope of nurturing and training students to be professional nurses. Her research interests are maternal and infant care, public health promotion, and community disease prevention.Academic and Professional QualificationsBN, MPH, RN, RMEducationMaster of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Sydney (Australia)Diploma in Midwifery, School of Midwifery, Prince of Wales Hospital (Hong Kong)Bachelor of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University (Australia)Teaching AreasPublic healthMaternal and infant careHealth assessmentPrimary care and community nursingEthical and legal aspects of healthcareResearch InterestsMaternal and infant carePublic health promotionCommunity disease prevention
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