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Research & ImpactNews & EventsMs. Candy Wing Yan WONGSenior Clinical Associate (Radiation Therapy)Office: Room 1903, 19/F, School of Medical and Health Sciences, Ma Kam Chan Memorial Building, 31 Wylie Road, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong KongTelephone: (852) 3468 6818Fax: (852) 2783 8635Email: [email protected]BiographyMs. Candy Wong has been working as a radiation therapist in Tuen Mun Hospital since obtaining her professional qualification in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She has diversified clinical experience in all Radiotherapy aspects, including radiotherapy planning, treatment delivery, brachytherapy and nuclear medicine. She is passionate to transfer knowledge and share her clinical experience to young learners. She joined Tung Wah College as a Senior Clinical Associate in 2019 to nurture new generation of professional radiotherapy students to serve the Hong Kong community.EducationMSc (Medical Imaging & Radiation Science), The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityBSc (Hons) in Radiography (Radiotherapy), The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityProfessional QualificationsPart I (category T) of the Register of Radiographers, Radiographers Board, Hong KongTeaching AreasClinical practicum