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Research & ImpactNews & EventsMr. Raymond Wai Ming LOSenior Clinical AssociateOffice: 2/F, School of Medical and Health Science, Nelson Court, 45 Waterloo Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong KongTel : (852) 3725 6238Fax: (852) 2783 8635Email : [email protected]BiographyMr. Lo obtained Professional Diploma in Physiotherapy from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a master’s degree in Public Health from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He worked as clinical physiotherapist in the public hospital for 25 years and covered different specialties including emergency medicine, intensive care, medicine & geriatrics, orthopaedic and traumatology, neurology, surgery and infirmary. His professional interest is in the field of neuro-rehabilitation especially stroke conditions. Prior to joining Tung Wah College, he worked as Clinical Associate in Physiotherapy in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for 10 years. He had served as the Chairman of the Neurology Specialty Group of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association for 10 years and he is also the Founding Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Physiotherapy.Education and Academic QualificationsPost-Registration Certificate in Peripheral Manipulative Therapy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityDiploma in Epidemiology and Applied Statistics, The Chinese University of Hong KongProfessional Diploma in Physiotherapy, Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityMaster of Public Health, The Chinese University of Hong KongProfessional QualificationsRegistered Physiotherapist in Hong KongTeaching InterestsNeurological rehabilitationWearable exoskeleton applicationsClinical education