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Research & ImpactNews & EventsDr. Candy Lo Ping FUNG (馮露萍博士)Senior Lecturer (高級講師)Office: 16/F, School of Nursing, Tower 2, Kowloon Commerce Centre, 51 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong KongTelephone: (852) 3725 6226Email: [email protected]BiographyDr. Candy Fung is an experienced Registered Nurse and Nursing Unit Manager who worked for over 20 years in Hong Kong Adventist Hospital (Tsuen Wan) in Hong Kong, at which she devoted much effort in continuous improvement of care quality, sustaining standards, and ongoing development of hospital services like setting up of an Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy Centre and developing new services, etc. After leaving the Hospital, she participated in the quality control aspect and worked as a Quality and Safety Manager in a private hospital where she was responsible for coordinating, communicating and facilitating the hospital-wide accreditation process by implementing various quality improvement programs across various departments. During her career journey, Dr. Fung has attained a lot of useful skills, including clinical skills in medical, surgical and urological nursing; nursing management skills; and skills regarding continuous quality improvement strategy, approach and implementation.With a wish to share these valuable experience and knowledge with the youth who would like to develop their career in the nursing field, she changed her career path to nursing education after working in hospitals for years and joined Tung Wah College in 2019.Academic and Professional QualificationsBScHS, MBA (HSM), MSCHI, DBA, RN, FHKAN (Surgical)Author IdentificationsORCID ID: 000-0003-0684-0118EducationDoctor of Business Administration, School of Business, Brittany Universite (France)Master of Science in Health Informatics, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)Master of Business Administration (Health Service Management), School of Business, University of Ballarat (Australia)Bachelor of Science in Health Studies, School of Health and Life Science, University of Paisley (United Kingdom)Certificate of General Nursing, The Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)Senior Living Executive Course, Davis School of Gerontology, University of Southern California (USA)Advanced Nurse Management (Leadership for Change), Advanced Nurse Education, Nursing Consultancy and Education Services (United Kingdom)Post Registration Certificate Course in Urology Nursing, the Institute of Advanced Nursing Studies, Hospital Authority (Hong Kong)Integrated Professional Oncology, Palliative and Elderly Care Training Course for Nurses, The Anti-cancer Society (Hong Kong)Certificate Programme in Minimally Invasive Surgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)Teaching AreasCommunication skillMedical and surgical nursingUrology nursingClinical practicumResearch InterestsTelemedicineCancer careSurgical nursingUrology nursingPain managementSenior living careFunded Projects (Selected)Enhancing students’ learning experiences in communication in healthcare settings by leveraging purpose-built generative AI. College Teaching Grant, Tung Wah College (Co-investigator, Project No.: 2022-00-57 CTG220304) (Hong Kong) (2024)Community/ Professional Contributions (Selected)Journal reviewer of International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-beingAssociate Fellow Member of the Hong Kong College of Health Service Executive (2021)Fellow Member of the Hong Kong College of Surgical Nursing (Fellow Membership No.: F14010512)Associate Member of the Hong Kong College of Education and Research in Nursing (2020)Full Member of Hong Kong Society for Nursing Education Limited (2020)Ordinary Member of Hong Kong Infection Control Nurses’ Association (2020)Life Member of Association of Hong Kong Nursing staff (2019)Member of College of Nursing, Hong Kong (2019)Member of Academy of Medical - Surgical Nurses (AMSN) (2019)Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Provider
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