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Professional Development

Professional Development (AY2018/2019) Semester 3
In-house Learning and Teaching Seminars
In-house Teaching and Learning Seminars are open to all academic staff (full-time and part-time) and/or academic support staff. There are no stipulation on the number of hours academic staff were required to complete. QAO maintains an attendance record of the seminars and could provide individual staff with the relevant record on a need basis.
The In-house Teaching and Learning Seminars held in Semester 3 of the academic year 2018/2019 are tabulated below:
Good Teaching Practices Sharing Forum by Teaching Excellence Awardees AY2017/2018
Dr. Sam CHAN, Assistant Professor;
Dr. Stanley LAM, Assistant Professor;
Dr. Julia WONG, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing &
Dr. Tilo LI, Assistant Professor, School of Management
9 May 2019
How to Teach Effectively in the English-medium Classroom
Prof. Diane PECORARI
Professor of English, Head, Department of English, City University of Hong Kong
29 May 2019
Flipped Classroom Approach to Learning - Sharing of a Pilot Online Course
Prof. Matthew YAU, Dean & Professor;
Dr. Vicky TSANG, Associate Professor; and
Ms. Ivy TAM, Senior Clinical Associate, School of Medical and Health Sciences
19 Jun 2019
Revised Generic Level Descriptors (GLD) of Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF) for Accreditation Exercises from the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ)
Dr. Jordan CHEUNG
Head of Quality Assurance Office
17 Jul 2019
Strategies to Win Hearts and Minds of Your Students
Professional Consultant, Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
23 Jul 2019
Adopting Information Technology to Foster Active Learning
Prof. Eugenia NG, Director; and
Mr. James CHONG, Education Manager, Teaching and Learning Centre, Lingnan University
24 Jul 2019
For academic staff's registration, please click here.
Note: New academic staff who joined the above Teaching and Learning Seminars were deemed to have fulfilled the required hours of the Academic Staff Induction Programme (ASIP), where appropriate.
Interested staff are advised to follow the instructions given in the internal email invitation for registration or contact QAO for the details.

Professional Development (AY2018/2019) Semester 1 & 2
In-house Learning and Teaching Seminars
In-house Teaching and Learning Seminars are open to all academic staff (full-time and part-time) and/or academic support staff. There are no stipulation on the number of hours academic staff were required to complete. QAO maintains an attendance record of the seminars and could provide individual staff with the relevant record on a need basis.
The In-house Teaching and Learning Seminars held in Semester 1 & 2 of the academic year 2018/2019 are tabulated below:
Application of Research in Teaching
Prof. Lawrence LAM
Vice President (Academic)
14 Nov 2018
Ways to Maximising Students from Recalling Facts to Problem Solving
Professional Consultant, Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
10 Dec 2018
Outcome-based Assessment
Prof. Danny GOHEL
Professor, School of Medical and Health Sciences
8 Jan 2019
e-Learning Tools and Applications
Director of Educational Technology and Publishing, Education Technology & Publishing Unit, The Open University of Hong Kong
13 Feb 2019
Note: New academic staff who joined the above Teaching and Learning Seminars were deemed to have fulfilled the required hours of the Academic Staff Induction Programme (ASIP), where appropriate.
Interested staff are advised to follow the instructions given in the internal email invitation for registration or contact QAO for the details.

Professional Development (AY2017/2018)
In-house Learning and Teaching Seminars
In-house Teaching and Learning Seminars are open to all academic staff (full-time and part-time) and/or academic support staff. There are no stipulation on the number of hours academic staff were required to complete. QAO maintains an attendance record of the seminars and could provide individual staff with the relevant record on a need basis.
The In-house Teaching and Learning Seminars held in the academic year 2017/2018 are tabulated below:
Promoting Self-directed Learning through Blended Learning
Prof. Yvonne FUNG
Former Dean, School of Education and Languages, The Open University of Hong Kong
11 April 2018
Multiple Choice Questions: Usage, Design, and Statistics
Prof. Lawrence LAM
Vice President (Academic)
2 May 2018
Transdisciplinary Approach to Teaching & Learning, and Research
Prof. Lawrence LAM
Vice President (Academic)
30 May 2018
Sharing of Good Teaching Practices and Experience
Dr. Florence WONG
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
13 June 2018
Criterion-Referenced Assessment (CRA) in Outcome-based Education
Dr. Eva WONG
Director, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University
20 June 2018
Revised Accreditation Standards Under the Four-stage Quality Assurance Process of the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework
Dr. Jordan CHEUNG
Head, Quality Assurance Office
24 July 2018
Note: New academic staff who joined the above Teaching and Learning Seminars were deemed to have fulfilled the required hours of the Academic Staff Induction Programme (ASIP), where appropriate.
Academic Staff Induction Programme (ASIP)
In TWC, all new full-time academic staff who have no prior experience in teaching full-time degree programmes are required to complete the ASIP during their first year of employment. A minimum of 12 hours is required. Other full-time and part-time academic staff who are interested to attend are also welcome.
The ASIP activities held in the academic year 2017/2018 are tabulated below:
Blackboard Course Management and Assessment Rubrics
Mr. Pony MA, Senior Information Technology Manager, Information Technology Services Office
11 Oct 2017
Writing Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
Dr. Hoe LEE
Associate Professor, School of Occupational Therapy and Social Work, Faculty of Health Science, Curtin University, Australia
13 Oct 2017
Strategies on Promoting Active Learning
Dr. Thomas TANG, Associate Dean, School of Education and Languages, The Open University of Hong Kong
19 Oct 2017
Learning Supports for TWC Students
Dr. Veronica TAM, Head, Student Affairs Office
Ms. Olivia Po, Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing
26 Oct 2017
Quality Assurance and Accreditation
Dr. Jordan CHEUNG, Head, Quality Assurance Office
1 Nov 2017
Interested staff are advised to follow the instructions given in the internal email invitation for registration or contact QAO for the details.

Professional Development (AY2016/2017)
In-house Learning and Teaching Seminars/Workshops
In-house learning and teaching seminars/workshops are open to all academic staff (full-time and part-time) and/or academic support staff. There is no stipulation on the number of hours academic staff are required to complete. Individual staff should keep his/her own record and this can be used for performance review and development. QAO maintains an attendance record of the seminars/workshops and can provide individual staff with the relevant record on a need basis.
The In-house learning and teaching seminars/workshops held in Semester 2 and 3 of the 2016/2017 academic year are tabulated below:
Introduction to Accreditation for Administrative Staff
Ms. Jessie Chan, Senior Quality Assurance Manager, Quality Assurance Office
16 May 2017
Writing Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) 
Dr. Jordan Cheung, Head of Quality Assurance Office
31 May 2017
Sharing of Good Practices on Programme Planning, Development, Monitoring and Review
Ms. Jessie Chan, Senior Quality Assurance Manager, Quality Assurance Office
Dr. Beeto Leung, Assistant Professor, School of Arts and Humanities
Dr. Anson Tang, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
21 Jun 2017
Outcome-based Assessment
Prof. Danny Gohel, Professor, School of Medical and Health Sciences
5 Jul 2017
Sharing of Good Teaching Practices
Dr. Maria Hung, Associate Professor, School of Nursing (Awardee of 2015/2016 Teaching Excellence Award)
10 Jul 2017
For registration of Session 1 “Introduction to Accreditation for Administrative Staff”, please click here.
For registration of other sessions (for academic staff only), please click here.


Academic Staff Induction Programme (ASIP)
In TWC, all new full-time academic staff who have no prior experience in teaching full-time degree programmes are required to complete the ASIP during their first year of employment. A minimum of 12 hours is required. Other full-time and part-time academic staff who are interested to attend are also welcome.
The ASIP activities held in Semester 2 of the 2016/2017 academic year are tabulated below:
Using the On-line Learning Management System to Support Learning and Teaching
Mr. Pony Ma, Head of Information Technology Services Office
14 Mar 2017
Academic Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation
Ms. Jessie Chan, Senior Quality Assurace Manager, Quality Assurance Office
15 Mar 2017
Resources Information Session :
a)    Library Research Support
b)    College Research Support and Grants
Ms. Jade Wong, Librarian
Dr. Bernice Cheuk, Head of Research Office 
22 Mar 2017
Knowing TWC Students
Dr. Veronica Tam, Head of Student Affairs Office
24 Mar 2017
Outcome-based Learning and Teaching (OBLT)
Dr. Jordan Cheung, Head of Quality Assurance Office
31 Mar 2017
Interested staff are advised to follow the instructions given in the internal email invitation for registration or contact QAO for the details.

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