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Research & ImpactNews & EventsMs. Claire KAN Nok Man (簡諾敏女士)Lecturer (講師)
Office: 6/F, School of Arts and Humanities, 136A, Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Telephone: (852) 3468 6874
Email: [email protected]Biography
Ms. Claire Kan has extensive academic teaching experiences in tertiary education sector over the past 10 years, teaching courses of Mental health, Counselling skills, Human development, and Exception children. She has been trained as a counsellor, specialized conducting in Cognitive-behavioral therapy and the use of play in therapy. The major service targets of Claire in her counselling practice were gamblers and SEN students.Academic and Professional Qualifications
BSSc (HKBU), MSSc (HKU)Education
Master of Social Sciences in Counselling, University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology, Hong Kong Baptist UniversityTeaching Areas
Mental Health, Biological Psychology, Counselling, Child Education and Parenting
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