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Latest News in General Education Curriculum


Course Offering Schedule

Date Title
May 2024 Please click here for the offering schedule of GE courses in the GE framework for AY2023/2024.


This table shows the time that the course was approved as an GE elective.

Academic Year Course Code & Course Title GE Area Highlights
2022 - 2023, Semester 3 GEA1018 Understanding Human Behaviours Through Psychology and Sociology 1  
  GEA1019 Social Media and Communication 1  
2022 - 2023, Semester 2 GEC3007 Drama and Personal Growth 3 Video
2022 - 2023, Semester 1 GEB1014 Introduction to Economics 2  
  GEA1015 Management and Organisational Behaviour 1  
  GEB1016 Understanding Social Problems and Policies 2 Video
  GEB1017 Marketing Principles 2  


Updated GE Courses
Academic Year Course Code & Course Title Updates
2023 - 2024, Semester 1 GEA1205 Understanding and Motivating Self Learning & Teaching Methodology, Assessment Methods, Reading list and references
  GEA1213 Social and Emotional Well-being Learning & Teaching Methodology, Reading list and references
  GEB1011 Thinking about Global Environmental Issues Learning & Teaching Methodology, Reading list and references
  GEB3202 Life and Death Syllabus, Learning & Teaching Methodology, Assessment Methods, Reading list and references
  GEB3310 Exploring Global Cultures Learning & Teaching Methodology, Reading list and references
  GEC1102 Interpreting Art Learning & Teaching Methodology, Assessment Methods, Reading list and references
  GEC1103 Exploring Musical Traditions Course Intended Learning Outcomes, Learning & Teaching Methodology, Assessment Methods, Reading list and references
  GEC1302 World Religions Assessment Methods, Reading list and references
  GED1404 Introduction to Graphic Design and Digital Imaging Learning & Teaching Methodology, Assessment Methods, Reading list and references
  GED3005 Big Data and Data Sciences Course Objectives, Assessment Methods, Reading list and references
2022 - 2023, Semester 3 GEA1211 Elementary Logic and Critical Thinking Course objective, Syllabus, Assessment Methods, Reading list and references

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Ma Kam Chan Memorial Building,
31 Wylie Road, Homantin, Hong Kong
Mongkok Campus
Cheung Kung Hai Memorial Building, 90A,
and Cheung Chin Lan Hong Building, 98,
Shantung Street, Mongkok, Hong Kong
Kwai Hing Campus
16/F, Tower 2,
Kowloon Commerce Centre,
51 Kwai Cheong Road,
Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
(852) 3190 6678