Bachelor’s Degree Programmes
Sub Degree ProgrammesDiploma ProgrammeCertificate Programme
Mainland Admission
Research & ImpactNews & EventsNon-credit Bearing Graduation Requirements
To actualise the vision and mission of the College by providing holistic education opportunities which help enriching our students’ out-of-classroom learning experiences apart from academic studies, transforming them into well-equipped graduates as well as socially responsible and caring citizens.
- To provide students with an experiential learning experience in workplace for fostering their holistic development; and
- To provide out-of-classroom learning experience to students for enriching their generic skills riding on their academic competence
- To widen students’ horizon and enlighten their spirits by meeting and exchanging ideas with professionals, scholars, business gurus and leaders from different industries;
- To foster students’ awareness and better understanding of the communities they will be serving in the future;
- To nurture students’ appropriate self-values, self-directedness, sense of resistance, interpersonal relationships and communication skills through hands-on working experience gained in a real-world work setting.
Apart from academic studies, students are required to complete 3 non-credit bearing graduation requirements administered by SAO and Programme of studies:
- College Seminar
- Work-Integrated Learning Programme (WILP)
- Community Service Programme
With an aim to better in line with the life qualities as described of a graduate of TWC (Talent, Wisdom, Commitment) and to widen students' exposure and perspectives in other disciplines and to develop their intellectual curiosity and awareness in knowledge outside their disciplines, TWC’S College Seminar Series serves as a platform for our students to meet and exchange ideas with professionals, scholars, business gurus and community leaders on a diverse range of topics. Full-time bachelor’s degree students are required to participate in at least eight College Seminars before graduation.
2. Work-Integrated Learning Programme (WILP)
The Work-Integrated Learning Programme (WILP) Internship involves work-based learning experiences that take place in an organisational context relevant to a student’s programmes of studies, future profession, the development of generic skills that will be valuable to that profession.
Full-time bachelor’s degree students are required to engage in either:
- WILP Internship according to the individual programme requirements, or
- Practicum offered by the academic programme in which the student is enrolled.
3. Community Service Programme
To enhance students’ awareness of the community’s needs and strengthen their sense of civic responsibility, students are required to commit to volunteer community service during their course of study. All full-time students (and those as required by the programme) are required to complete a total of 30 hours of community service to fulfill the graduation requirement.
Our Services+ Student Development- Cantonese Opera Fund
- Global Leadership & Advancement Programme (GLAP)
- ICAC Ambassador Programme 2024/25
- Tung Wah College Outstanding Student Awards
- Peer Mentorship Programme
- Tung Wah College Global Student Ambassador (TWCGSA)
- Student Representative Election
- Support for Student Leaders and Student Organisations
- Outbound Study Tours
- Community Service Programme
- Tung Wah College Global Student Ambassador - Community Service Team & Global Concern Team