About TWC


Bachelor’s Degree Programmes
Sub Degree ProgrammesDiploma ProgrammeCertificate Programme
Mainland Admission
Research & ImpactNews & EventsSelf-help and Mental Health Resources
Relaxation & Mindfulness ExercisesMindfulness exercises“Mindfulness is the awareness that arises from paying attention on purpose, in the present moment non-judgmentally in the service of self-understanding, wisdom, and compassion.” ~ Jon Kabat-Zinn ~· 靜觀呼吸練習· 坐車/ 迫車時· 靜觀身體掃描練習(Source: newlife_330)(Source: [治療法寶]馬淑華博士 -東華三院Radioicare)Self-Compassion exercises“With self-compassion, we give ourselves the same kindness and care we'd give to a good friend.” ~Dr. Kristin Neff~(Source: Self-compassion, Dr Kristin Neff)· 自我關懷練習 (Source: newlife_330)Relaxation exercisesSelf-help and Mental Health ResourcesWe CareMind HKShall We Talk
Our Services+ Student Development- Cantonese Opera Fund
- Global Leadership & Advancement Programme (GLAP)
- ICAC Ambassador Programme 2024/25
- Tung Wah College Outstanding Student Awards
- Peer Mentorship Programme
- Tung Wah College Global Student Ambassador (TWCGSA)
- Student Representative Election
- Support for Student Leaders and Student Organisations
- Outbound Study Tours
- Community Service Programme
- Tung Wah College Global Student Ambassador - Community Service Team & Global Concern Team