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Research & ImpactNews & EventsICAC Ambassador Programme 2024/25
ICAC Ambassador Programme 2024/25
You are cordially invited to join the ICAC Ambassador Programme 2024/25. The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has long been engaged in promoting probity messages to tertiary students through different channels. This programme, which received favourable response from students and the institutions concerned, provided a platform for tertiary students to take the initiative to organise on-campus and social media activities for disseminating integrity messages.
The Programme helps the participating students to:
- Showcase your creativity in organising integrity promotion activities
- Meet more friends from other Institutions
- Join the Voluntary Summer Helper Scheme and work in the ICAC
- Participate in training activities of ICAC’s Operations Department
If you are interested in joining the progamme, please download the form HERE and return the completed enrolment form to the Student Affairs Office via email at [email protected] on or before 4 October.
Our Services+ Student Development- Cantonese Opera Fund
- Global Leadership & Advancement Programme (GLAP)
- ICAC Ambassador Programme 2024/25
- Tung Wah College Outstanding Student Awards
- Peer Mentorship Programme
- Tung Wah College Global Student Ambassador (TWCGSA)
- Student Representative Election
- Support for Student Leaders and Student Organisations
- Outbound Study Tours
- Community Service Programme
- Tung Wah College Global Student Ambassador - Community Service Team & Global Concern Team