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Student Representative Election

Student Representative Election AY2024/25

A. Introduction

Tung Wah College is comprised of both student and staff members. To streamline the governance and policymaking processes, and to enhance the sense of belonging among the College community, we are seeking to obtain diverse views and opinions from different members. Students are invited to join as student representatives on the various Boards and Committees of the College.

B. Timeline for Student Representative Election

Nomination Period:

1 - 20 December 2024

Election Campaign:

1 - 26 January 2025

Voting Date:

27 January 2025

Result Announcement:

The following working day of results confirmed

Timeline is subject to the decision made by the Chairman of the Student Affairs Committee (STUAC) attributing to any special circumstances.


C. Boards or committees in the College that include member(s) of Student Representative

AY2022/23 (Effective from Jan 31, 2023 to Jan 30, 2024)

AY2023/24 (Effective from Jan 31, 2024 to Jan 30, 2025)

1. College Council (CC)

a. Role
To administer the property and manage the general affairs of the College subject to the directions of the Board of Governors (BoG) and subject to the Articles of Association of the College and such regulations (if any) as from time to time be prescribed by the College in the general meeting.

The full Terms of Reference can be referred to on the TWC Webpage – About TWC > Governance at

b. Composition
CC consists of sixteen members. The Chairman, Vice Chairman and members are appointed by the BoG.


Three TWGHs representatives

Five Persons with expertise in tertiary education

Four Persons with expertise in professional/community or business sectors relevant to the College’s programmes and operations

President (ex-officio member)

Two staff representatives

One student representative

In attendance

All Vice Presidents


Head of President’s Offic


c. Frequency of Meeting
At least four times per academic year


2. Academic Board (AB)

a. Role

1. To regulate and approve all academic affairs of the College (including admission, academic regulations, new programme/programme area development, programme teaching and learning, quality assurance, assessment standards, conduct of examinations and student graduation etc.).

2. To provide effective development, implementation, review and improvement of the academic programmes and activities of the College.

The full Terms of Reference can be referred to on the TWC Webpage – About TWC > Governance at HERE.

​​​​​b. Composition



Vice Chairman

Vice President (Academic)


Vice President (Administration & Development)

All School Deans

Head of Student Affairs

Head of Quality Assurance Office

Head of Research Office


A full-time academic staff from each School nominated by School Dean 

Two student representatives

In attendance






Head of President’s Office

Director of Finance

Director of Human Resources

Head of Facilities Management Office

Head of Information Technology Services Office

Head of Communications and Public Relations Office

Head of Centre for Academic and Professional Language Enhancement (CAPLE) /A representative from CAPLE

Member and Secretary

Registrar or Deputy Registrar as nominated by the President 

c. Frequency of Meeting


3. Academic Regulations Committee (ARC)

a. Role
To be responsible to the Academic Board (AB) for the development and review of the College’s academic regulations for programmes, the implementation of these regulations, and the procedures which support their implementation.

The full Terms of Reference can be referred to on the TWC Webpage – About TWC > Governance at HERE.

b. Composition*


Vice President (Academic)


All School Deans

A senior academic staff responsible for research development at the College level nominated by Academic Board 

A senior academic staff responsible for learning and teaching at the College level nominated by Academic Board 

Two student representatives

Member and Secretary

Registrar or Deputy Registrar as nominated by the President 

*The Committee may co-opt additional members (with no voting rights) as appropriate.

c. Frequency of Meeting
At least once per academic year


4. General Education Committee (GEC)

a. Role
To develop framework and guidelines for General Education courses, and oversee their operation and development.

The full Terms of Reference can be referred to on the TWC Webpage – About TWC > Governance at HERE.

b. Composition*


Vice President (Academic)



Head of Quality Assurance Office

Head of Student Affairs


GE Coordinator

A full-time academic staff from each School nominated by School Deans

Two student representatives


A Registry staff nominated by the Registrar

*The Committee may co-opt additional members (with no voting rights) as appropriate.

c. Frequency of Meeting
At least once per semester


5. Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC)

  1. a. Role
    To enhance the quality of learning and teaching.
  2. 2. To oversee mechanisms of the support structures for enhancement of learning & teaching effectiveness.
    3. To develop ways of promoting good practices across Schools.

The full Terms of Reference can be referred to on the TWC Webpage – About TWC > Governance at HERE.

b. Composition*


Vice President (Academic) or his/her delegate (Senior academic staff responsible for Learning and Teaching)


A staff member with expertise/specialisation in Learning and Teaching appointed by the President 

A full-time academic staff from each School nominated by School Deans

Head of Quality Assurance Office or his/her delegate

Registrar or Deputy Registrar as nominated by the President 

Head of Information Technology Services Office or his/her delegate


Two student representatives


A Registry staff nominated by the Registrar

* The Committee may co-opt additional members (with no voting rights) as appropriate.

c. Frequency of Meeting
At least once per academic year


6. Quality Assurance Committee (QAC)

  1. a. Role
    1. To develop, implement and oversee academic quality assurance framework and policies.
    2. To maintain a high standard across all programmes/programme areas within the College.

The full Terms of Reference can be referred to on the TWC Webpage – About TWC > Governance at HERE.

b. Composition*


Vice President (Academic)


Head of Quality Assurance Office

A Registry staff nominated by the Registrar

An academic staff from each School nominated by the School Dean

A student representative


A staff from the Quality Assurance Office (QAO) nominated by the Head of QAO

*The Committee may co-opt additional members (with no voting rights) as appropriate.

c. Frequency of Meeting
At least four times per academic year


7. School Board (SB)

a. Role
To be responsible to the Academic Board (AB) for the operation, management, development and quality assurance of the School’s programmes and other academic-related matters.

The full Terms of Reference can be referred to on the TWC Webpage – About TWC > Governance at HERE.

b. Composition


School Dean


All Associate Deans/Programme Leaders of the School

Up to four full-time/part-time academic staff (other than Associate Deans/Programme Leaders) nominated by the School Dean

Two student representatives


An administrative staff from the School nominated by the Dean

c. Frequency of Meeting
At least four times per academic year


8. Student Affairs Committee (STUAC)

  1. a. Role
    To decide the policies and guidelines on non-academic student services, including, amongst others, allocation of all kinds of scholarships/awards, and conduct periodic review on monitoring mechanism.

    2. To consider non-academic misconduct and reported violations cases and when necessary, assigns appropriate penalties.

The full Terms of Reference can be referred to on the TWC Webpage – About TWC > Governance at HERE.

b. Composition*


Vice President (Administration and Development)


Head of Student Affairs (SAO)

Head of Facilities Management Office (FMO)

Head of Information Technology Services Office (ITSO)


Staff Member from Registry nominated by Registrar

Academic staff member from each School nominated by School Deans

Two student representatives (will be withdrawn from all student cases)


Staff member of SAO

*The Chairman may invite other staff to attend meetings on a needs basis.

c. Frequency of Meeting
At least four times per academic year


D. Role of Student Affairs Office

  • To implement the election regulations and conduct election in a fair manner to all candidates.
  • To act as a channel between students and student representatives and to forward students’ comments for student representatives’ follow-up.

E. Nomination

Who can run for election?

  • All full-time TWC students without any disciplinary record during their studies at the College.

What to do for nomination?

  • Get nominated by at least 10 other full-time TWC students who have the right to vote.
  • Each student can run for a maximum of two Student Representative posts in the same term.
  • Complete and return the nomination form, along with a personal statement (if any), to the Student Affairs Office by hand (Address: Room 1901, 19/F, Ma Kam Chan Memorial Building, KPC Campus) within the nomination period of 1 December to 22 December 2023.
  • The nomination form can be downloaded from HERE.

SAO’s Role

  • Process the nominations within 5 working days after the last day of the nomination period.
  • Advise the respective nominated students of the confirmation results.
  • If there are no nominations, the SAO will announce that the relevant post will be vacant for that term.

F. Voting Procedures

  • Every full-time TWC student will have one vote for each board/committee in the College.
  • Only the full-time students from the respective School are eligible to vote for the Student Representative of that School Board.
  • No proxy will be allowed.

G. Determination and Confirmation of Results

  • The candidate who has received the most valid votes with at least 10% of full-time TWC students’ support shall be declared duly elected.
  • SAO will make announcement to all students and staff no later than the next working day once the confirmed results have been reached.
  • As for the election of Student Representatives of School, the counting of 10% should be the total number of full-time TWC students at the respective School.
  • If two or more candidates receive the same number of votes, a further election in respect of these candidates shall be held, details of which shall be determined and announced by SAO as soon as practicable.

H. Term of Office

The term of office for the elected student representatives will start from the day of the announcement and last for one year.

I. Re-election

  • Re-election is required when any seat of a student representative on a Board or Committee becomes vacant.
  • The Head of Student Affairs is authorized to assign an Election Officer to arrange a re-election within one month after the vacancy occurs, following the above regulations.
  • The term of office for the Student Representative(s) elected through the re-election will end on the same day as the Student Representative elected through the Annual Election, as specified in clause 3.
  • If a re-election for any post has been conducted once or the term of office of the vacancy is less than 3 months, the Head of Student Affairs may decide not to conduct the re-election.


J. Amendment

The Regulations shall be reviewed from time to time and any amendment should be made under the approval of the STUAC.

K. Enquiry

Shall you have any queries, please contact our office.


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+852 3190 6660

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