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Tung Wah College Outstanding Student Awards 2024-2025 aims to recognise the significant accomplishments and/or outstanding contributions of students to the College or the community. The awardees would be the role models for fellow students and represent TWC as Student Ambassadors. Please see the details below:
1. Eligibility
a. All full-time Year 2 or above students with cGPA 3.0 or sGPA 3.0 or above for the last two consecutive semesters (applicable to Semester 1 and Semester 2 only) may apply;
b. Previous awardees and incoming exchange students, if any, are NOT eligible for the Award.
2. Selection Criteria
a. Have had significant accomplishments and/or outstanding contribution to the College or the community with evidence (e.g. representing TWC in competitions/ conferences/ events)
b. Demonstrate proven leadership qualities and organisational skills (e.g. active participation in College or community activities/ events, taking up leading roles in student societies or events inside or outside TWC; active participation in community services and any meaningful/ special activities inside or outside TWC);
c. Have evidence showing the experience or expertise/ persistence to meet challenges, while demonstrating competency of effective problem solving skill;
d. Impressive performance in the selection interview (Remarks: shortlisted candidates have to prepare a 5-minute presentation); and
e. Have obtained a reference showing additional information from a TWC teacher or other relevant organisation/ association.
3. Application
a. Completed application form (with proof of documents) should be sent by email to Student Affairs Office [email protected] by 14 February 2025 (Friday).
b. Applicants should complete all relevant sections in the form and follow the required format strictly.
c. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide all the required information, supporting documents and relevant declaration. The applicant should ensure that such information is true and accurate.
4. Interview
a. Short-listed applicants will be invited to attend an individual interview on or before 14 March 2025 (Friday).
b. Applicants who do not receive an invitation to the interview one week before the interview may consider their application unsuccessful.
5. Obligation
The selected candidates would be the role models for fellow students, and be the Student Ambassadors* in representing TWC to the local and global community.
6. Key Dates
Applicants are advised to observe the following key dates of the Outstanding Student Awards 2024-2025:
Application deadline
14 February 2025 (Friday)
Notification on the Interview
3 March 2025 (Monday)
Confirmation of the Interview
7 March 2025 (Friday)
14 March 2025 (Friday)
Release of Result
April 2025
Award Ceremony
June 2025
Please download the Guidance Notes for Applicants and Application form for details.
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Cynthia Lee (Tel.: 3190 6750, email: [email protected]).
* Student Ambassador is a full member of the Tung Wah College Global Student Ambassador Programme. For details, please visit SAO website.
Our Services+ Student Development- Cantonese Opera Fund
- Global Leadership & Advancement Programme (GLAP)
- ICAC Ambassador Programme 2024/25
- Tung Wah College Outstanding Student Awards
- Peer Mentorship Programme
- Tung Wah College Global Student Ambassador (TWCGSA)
- Student Representative Election
- Support for Student Leaders and Student Organisations
- Outbound Study Tours
- Community Service Programme
- Tung Wah College Global Student Ambassador - Community Service Team & Global Concern Team