About TWC


Bachelor’s Degree Programmes
Sub Degree ProgrammesDiploma ProgrammeCertificate Programme
Mainland Admission
Research & ImpactNews & EventsLearning Laboratories
Two Learning Laboratories are located on the 6/F of the Library of King's Park Campus. These learning laboratories are equipped with computers for research purposes. Users are encouraged to make use of the space and technologies provided to extend learning beyond textbooks and printed media. No booking is required for the seating.Students are advised to familiarize themselves with the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) (that applies to all IT facilities on campus) and comply with Laboratory Official Rules, adopted by the Information Technology Services Office (ITSO).List of software installed in Learning Laboratories:- Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC
- Microsoft Office 2019
- Google Chrome
- IBM SPSS Statistics 26
- 7-Zip File Manager
- Mendeley Reference Manager
- Adobe Acrobat Reader DC MUI
- Windows Media Player
- IrfanView Graphic Viewer
Our FacilitiesNEWS & EVENTS