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Library Regulations

All Library users should familiarize themselves with the following Library Regulations. Ignorance of any clause will not be accepted as an excuse for breach of Library Regulations.
1. Opening Hours
1.1 The opening hours are determined according to the demand for library use and staff availability. Details of opening hours are posted on the Library Website and at the entrance to the Library.
1.2 Circulation Service shall be available until 30 minutes before closing of the Library.
1.3 No admission to the Library shall be allowed 15 minutes prior to closing of the Library.
2. Admission
2.1 Admission to the Library is conditional upon the possession of a valid College Identity Card.
2.2 Visitor is admitted only with the permission of the Librarian or the professional staff member on duty.
3. Conduct of Library Users
3.1 The Library is a place for study and research. It is important for all library users to maintain a quiet and pleasant study atmosphere.
3.2 Talking on mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the Library. Should users have an urgent need to receive a phone call, please do so only on the stairwell landing outside the lift lobby on 5/F. Mobile phones and other sound-emitting devices should be set to silent mode before entering the Library.
3.3 Anything which, in the opinion of the Librarian (or duty library staff), may hinder the proper use and management of the Library, must not be brought into the Library. Examples include, but not limited to, wet umbrellas, wet raincoats, food and drinks.
3.4 Eating, drinking and playing games of any form are not permitted in the Library.
3.5 User should take care of his/her personal belongings. The Library will not undertake the responsibility for loss of these items.
3.6 Occupying seats with personal belongings is not permitted in the Library. Books and personal belongings left unattended for more than fifteen minutes may be removed by library staff without prior notice to the owners.
3.7 Users must present their College Identity Card for inspection if requested by a member of the Library staff in the course of their duties.
3.8 All photocopying, printing and scanning must comply with copyright law. Terms and conditions of use of electronic resources must be observed. Users are fully responsible for any legal consequences which may arise from copyright infringement.
3.9 Unauthorized removal or mutilation of library materials is a serious offence. Offenders will be charged full replacement plus administration costs and will be suspended from library privileges. For students, cases may be referred to the Student Disciplinary Committee for further action.
3.10 Photo-taking, video and sound recording are not allowed without prior permission.
3.11 User should handle library materials, equipment and facilities with due care and report any defect or damage to library staff.
3.12 User who activates the Library alarm is liable to be questioned and he/she must show her/his personal belongings and all library materials for inspection at the request of library staff or security staff.
3.13 User must enter and leave the Library through the designated entrances and exits unless directed otherwise by library staff.
3.14 User should follow the instructions displayed in the Library or given verbally by library staff.
3.15 The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the library privileges of any user found breaking any of the above rules or for indecent behaviour.
4. Borrowing
4.1 All library materials must be checked out at the Library service counter before they can be taken out of the Library.
4.2 Valid College Identity Card must be produced when borrowing library materials.
4.3 Library privileges are personal and individual. They may not be transferred to, or used on behalf of another person. Borrower shall be held responsible for the items checked out by his/her College Identity Card.
4.4 Loss of College Identity Card should be reported to respective departments of the College and the Library immediately.
4.5 Loan Privileges:
For Students:
Material Type Loan Quota Loan Period Maximum Loan Period Request Limit
Circulation Item 80 items 30 days 150 days 10 items
Multi-media Item 10 items 7 days 14 days Nil
Digital Equipment 5 items Before library closing for the day
Reserve Item (3 days) 10 items 3 days
Reserve Item (7 days) 7 days
Overall Total 80 items      
For Full-time Non-academic General Rank Staff / Part-time Academic Staff / Part-time Research Staff:
Material Type Loan Quota Loan Period Maximum Loan Period Request Limit
Circulation Item 80 items 30 days 150 days 10 items
Multi-media Item 10 items 7 days 14 days Nil
Digital Equipment 5 items Before library closing for the day
Reserve Item (3 days) 10 items 3 days
Reserve Item (7 days) 7 days
Overall Total 80 items      
For Full-time Academic Staff / Full-time Research Staff / Full-time Non-academic Senior Rank Staff:
Material Type Loan Quota Loan Period Maximum Loan Period Request Limit
Circulation Item 130 items 90 days 360 days 10 items
Multi-media Item 10 items 7 days 14 days Nil
Digital Equipment 5 items Before library closing for the day
Reserve Item (3 days) 10 items 3 days
Reserve Item (7 days) 7 days
Overall Total 130 items      
4.6 Return and Renewal. Borrowers must return their loans to the Library or via Book Drops (if applicable) on or before the due dates. Borrowers can renew their loans online via the Library System. No loan may be renewed if another borrower reserves the item or the limit on the maximum loan period with renewals has been reached.
4.7 Hold Requests. User can request loaned items from Circulation Collection via the Library Catalogue. An email notice will be sent to alert the user when the item is ready to be picked up from the Library Service Counter. Requested items will be released after the last pick-up date indicated in the email notice.
4.8 Recall. Books on loan to borrower may be “recalled” back to the Library when they are requested by other borrowers. It may lead to a recall of the checked out items and may shorten their due date, i.e. 14 days from the date of recall.
4.9 Overdue Fines. Fines will be incurred for late returns as follows:
Material Type Overdue Fine*
Circulation Item
Multi-media Item
$2 per day
Recalled Item $4 per day
Reserve Item $20 per day
*Holiday Exclusive
4.10 Overdue Notices. Overdue notices will be sent to borrowers' College e-mail account as a courtesy. Failure to read or receive an e-mail notice does not relieve the borrower from responsibility for overdue items or resulting fines.
4.11 Non-circulating materials. Under exceptional circumstances, academic staff may obtain special permission from senior library staff to borrow library materials that are not normally allowed to be checked out.
4.12 Suspension of borrowing rights. All outstanding loans and fines must be returned and settled as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in library privileges being suspended. The borrowing privileges of the borrower will be suspended under the following conditions:
  • There are six or more overdue items in the account; or
  • Any loan item overdue for 60 days or above; or
  • Total library fine exceeds $100
4.13 Loss and damage of library materials. Any damage or loss of loan items should be reported to the Library Service Counter immediately. A charge for damaged/lost library materials will be imposed. The charge is calculated based on the replacement cost of the damaged/lost item plus a processing fee of $60 and any accumulated fine. All lost and damaged items remain property of the Library. All sums paid are non-refundable.
4.14 Assumed Lost. A loaned item is assumed lost 90 days after the due date. The borrower will be billed accordingly and his/her borrowing privileges will be suspended. The charge is calculated based on the replacement cost of the lost item plus a processing fee of $60 and the maximum overdue fine. All assumed lost items remain property of the Library. All sums paid are non-refundable.
4.15 Claimed Return. If the borrower sees an item on his/her library account which he/she has returned or did not check out, the borrower can contact the Library to claim the returned item. The claim return request will not be accepted if the item is overdue more than 30 days.
Library staff will carry out several searches for the item over the next 30 days. The borrower may still receive overdue notices for this item. If the Library finds the item, overdue fines will be cancelled. If the borrower finds the item and return to library, the borrower will be responsible for all overdue fines.
4.16 Library materials must not be taken out of Hong Kong. Since loan items might be reserved by other users and renewal would then be blocked, borrowers should return the items to the Library before going overseas.
4.17 Departure from the College. All loaned materials must be returned to the Library and all library fines should be settled upon graduation, withdrawal or cessation of employment from the College. Students may not be cleared for withdrawal or graduation until all library fines paid as well as all loans returned.
5. Change of Rules
5.1 The Library regulations may be amended or altered as and when necessary.
(Updated in September 2024)

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