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To facilitate student’s learning with the multi-media resources, one AV Room with television and DVD player is located on the 6/F of the King's Park Campus.Guidelines of Room Booking-
At least 2 STUDENTS are needed to book a room. Priority will be given to groups of three or more.
The maximum number of users for each room is 6.
Each user can book up to 4 SESSIONS per day.
Users should not occupy the rooms after booking time if the next session is booked by other users.
Guidelines of Check-in / Check-out-
Check-in should be done at 5/F Library Counter in person.
The group should leave 2 College ID Cards at Counter upon check-in. The cards should be kept at counter till check-out.
Users should lock the room door and return the key to the Library Counter after use.
If users do not check in the room within the first 15 minutes, their booked session will be cancelled automatically.
The Library reserves the right to reassign any room if the original booking is cancelled.
Rules of Using Group Discussion / Audio-visual Room-
Noise must be kept to the lowest possible level.
No food or drink is allowed in the room.
No furniture or equipment should be removed from or brought into the room.
At least 1 user should remain in the room until check-out.
Clean the white board before leaving. Return any borrowed stationary to the Library Counter.
Users must keep the room clean and ready for next group.
Any items left after session ended will be removed without prior notice.
Do not leave any personal items unattended. The Library is not responsible for any loss or damage.
Users should observe the Library Regulations. The Library reserves the right to terminate room usage in the case of room misuse.
The Library reserves the right to inspect or reassign any room when necessary.
In the case of any dispute over the use of the rooms, the decision of the Library staff on duty shall be final.
Click the link below if you understand and agree to follow the rules and regulations above.>Online Room Booking System<
Note: Please use email ID & password to login
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