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Research & ImpactNews & EventsBook Drop Service
Book drops can be found at the following locations in King's Park, Mongkok, Kwai Hing, and Tsim Sha Tsui Campuses:King's Park Campus (KPC) Mongkok Campus (MKB) Kwai Hing Campus (KHC) Tsim Sha Tsui Campus (TSTC) 5/F Lift Lobby G/F Foyer 1/F Lift Lobby of Tower B Near the entrance of K1608 6/F Near the entrance Please return your books on or before the due date to avoid overdue fines. Late return is subject to a fine according to the Library Regulations.The following types of materials cannot be placed in book drops and must be returned to the Library at Circulation Counter:- Overdue library materials;
- Items with accompanying materials;
- Multimedia materials (such as DVDs, etc.); and
- Reader cards from other libraries.
Please handle library books with care when using the book drop. The library will not be responsible for damages or loss of materials in book drops.
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