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Life and Death
Life and Death
A long Easter Holiday just ended. Did you enjoy your holiday? Easter is a Christian festival and holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Did you reflect on the value of life and death?
The latest book display on Life and Death comprises books on this topic from different approaches for your reading and borrowing.

生命不過是向死而生 : 哲學大師人生六論


魏晉士人的生死關懷 : 以世說新語為核心的考察

Five days at memorial : life and death at a storm-ravaged hospital

Hospice voices : lessons for living at the end of life

Life and death in healthcare ethics : a short introduction

Life, death, and meaning : key philosophical readings on the big questions

The life and death of poetry : poems

What happens next? : matters of life and death

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